....slowly, but surely.....

Monday, December 31, 2007


I totally forgot to take pictures over the Christmas holiday. I suppose I was having too much fun hanging out with my family. I will most certainly take some in the weeks to come.

I'm back in the city and taking everything back to basics. All the stuff I said I was going to do, I'm doing, and all the the other stuff I needed to do that never got done will be done so the I can write later on about all of the things I did. And here they are in no particular order:

Find and attend a suitable church
prepare for graduate school
complete a professional advertising portfolio
create and register a small business
start singing again, somewhere!
get my glasses so I can drive

2008 is going to be my year for revival!
Thank you Jesus.

Friday, December 21, 2007

Seasonal allergies

I have received such a wake up call in the second half of this year. A new job, a continuing education course, a move, a roommate and my return to the dating scene have all brought some much needed reality into the world of "Nate". I'm glad to be going home for Christmas though. I can't think of a better way to recharge my batteries than seeing the people that I love during a time when nothing else matters except being next to one another.

However, I must be careful not to get too comfortable in this haze of happiness. My list of must-do's has become to long that it seems to end where it began in some crazy circle of responsibility and action. Once again, I'm charged with looking at the path I'm on and deciding how to plant each foot as I lumber on towards an unknown, but anticipated future.

Many pics to come from NC!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Road Blocks

I've got to get over this fear of asking for help. I have a lot of work to do for this portfolio and there is no way that I can do it all alone. Why can't I just go up to an art director in my class and ask for help in putting the blasted thing together? There is so much at stake, and yet I clam up every time. This SVA (School of Visual Arts) class has been a unique and helpful experience, and I've learned so much about my new "craft" and even more about myself and how I thought I worked versus how my creative process really takes place. I can't allow my own personal fears of failure and inadequacy take over the simple ambitions I have for success in this endeavor.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Getting my Weight Up.

Well, I weighed myself on the bathroom scale today after almost 5 or so months of not being able to even think of what I may have gained in poundage. I wasn't surprised. I have gained some weight, but I totally know where it's all coming from; laziness and fear. After losing my free gym membership when I changed jobs, I haven't gone back into the NYSC offices to reinstate myself into their fold. Why... because. Parties here, lazy afternoons there, plain and simple. I've watched my lovely dancer's build balloon to slightly above average Joe-ness. Not cute. Stretching, push-ups and crunches at home have done nothing to stem the tide of flab that has come over me. Don't get me wrong. I'm still turning heads, but only with some carefully crafted outfitting and "incognegro" public appearances. The only good thing about all of this, is that, by not going to the gym, I have had some time to look at the projects I'm working on and make some priorities in my life. My writing, my portfolio, my job in pharma advertising, my friends and family, my spirituality and love of Christ. These are all adding to the mental weight that I've appreciatively accumulated in the past few months. I'm getting my weight up; focusing on living a better life and moving forward, hopefully, without getting heavy in the process.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

New Music

So, Brandy and Tweet are both rumored/scheduled to have a new album coming out in 2008 and I'm very excited. I think of them both as inspirations and look forward to hearing how their music will be different but the same great style once again.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Video Jug is too Funny!

VideoJug: How To Give A Great Man To Man Hug

Check out this video site called Video Jug. They have all of these smarmy but informative Brittish How To posts. They remind me of the old Disney cartoons where Goofy would embark on a mission or chore with commentation and direction from a comedic narrator. Too Funny!

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

just thinking.

just thinking.

Award and Show

Hey. I'm going to an award show this Friday and its kind of bugging me that I don't have the amount of time that I need to get myself together. I have a bit of an idea of what to expect as far as the crowd and the attire and the vibe, but to be honest, its been a while since I've really done the NYC social scene. Although gobs of fun, it can sometimes be a mine field of old mistakes one's made and fresh new pitfalls one has yet to encounter. I'll just make the most of it. I'm going to be 26 this year and if I don't get over this stupid fear of finding myself brown nosing instead of networking, my career is going to be face down in the mud anyways!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Video Testing

Lets Keep the giggling to a minimum. I couldn't think of anything else to put up here. so I'm going to try this for now and then record more music and video of me in weird places doing weird stuff with weird music later. Trust me. I have it all planned out. These first posts are just to get a general view of what my camera phone is capable of. I want to use the camera phone initially to get spontaneous content. Who knows? If you're one of my friends or family. You may find yourself up here soon???

Video Posts

I'm trying to post videos from my phone to Youtube.com, but I'm having some trouble. I don't know why I want to do this so bad, I don't even do the audio posts that I was so keen on a while ago, so why step up to video if I can't even do that. I'll just have to do both for a bit and get used to doing it so it's not such a chore.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Bad Timing

I almost made it to the Time Warner office on 23rd today. I need to return some of their silly equipment or I have to pay for it, so I stuffed it in my Kenneth Cole bag this morning in hopes of dropping it off after work. When I arrived the guard was standing at the door, it was just a few minutes after 7, there were still customers inside waiting to be helped, but he just looked at me sadly and whispered in broken English through his braces, "It's after seven." I just quietly turned around and came home. I couldn't argue with him. I hadn't the strength. I'll get him tomorrow.

Nothing spectacular today. I'm working on this very interesting idea for a new campaign. Who knows what my boss will say about it?

Sunday, September 30, 2007

What I've been up to lately

I'm learning how to layout ads right now with OpenOffice Draw. It's free software, so it doesn't have all of the bell's and whistles of InDesign or anything like that. But it does the job for me for right now. I really hope that this class goes well for me. As soon as I figure out how to post a pdf to this crazy blog, I'll show some of my work.

Thursday, September 27, 2007


OH, how the mighty have fallen.

My continuing education class at SVA has proven to be quite the challenge for my relationship with higher learning. The entire pedagogical premise for this course is rooted in self-discovery, personal reflection and responsibility. Let's just say that I am poorly equipped to fully engage these practices in my current state of being. I just want to be shown a proven formula that I can emulate and re-tool for my own purposes like most other professional students. This class is not allowing me to do that. So, in exchange, I'm being forced to learn how me, myself and I work best to create new ideas and put them on display for others.

Humility. Will they understand my work? Am I just trapped in my own head with no hope of connecting with any audience, regardless of size or similarity of experience? We will see.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Britney Spears and Taser Guns

Well, I saw the Britney tragedy today. I'm not usually interested at all in this kind of thing, but curiosity got the best of me. So I watched it on Youtube. I was flabbergasted. She looked more bored than the concerned celebrities in the audience. You could almost see Fifty Cent saying a little prayer inside his head for her. People did everything but purse their lips, close their eyes and shake their heads in pity.
This woman was (and most likely still is) an amazing performer. Her life has been riddled with problems, pressure, mis-perceptions and downright vicious attacks. I'm not a Britney fan, but give her a break, it was a bad decision for her to perform without being on her A-game, but it's time for us to realize our own culpability in this fiasco. I'm so tired of American's creating these young stars just so they can tear them down at the first sign of a wobble or falter. It's ridiculous.

We all have our own favorite diva or performer. (It's Brandy Norwood for me) And nothing anyone can say will change that. Opinions are formed and changed overnight, so lets keep things in perspective. Art is just Art. You don't have to like it or ascribe meaning or anything to it. It's what people do with their "Art" that makes all the difference.

Now. I just want to say that the tasing incident that happened a little while ago on a college campus here in the states was an obvious intrusion on the student's civil and human rights. He was freaking shocked with electricity for being a little forceful in his questioning at a public forum. I can't tell you how many times I've been a complete ass in public and nothing has happened to me. America, for shame. This is the beginning of the end folks. If kids in college can get tased for just mentioning the skull and bones society, what hope do we all have for a genuine revolution of public policy and effective leadership in this country. NONE. I'll tell you again. NONE WHATSOEVER. I sense that this incident will be the measuring stick by which we, as citizens of the United States, can measure the degree of corruption and malice which fuels the mental processes of those currently in control of our nation. PERIOD.

I, for one, am concerned.

Thursday, September 13, 2007


Hello...duh...I just figured it out.

This stomach thing is whats causing my diet and exercise routine to be such a bust.
Hopefully, once I get my gastronomic problems solved, all the rest of it will fall in line more easily.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Thats REAL!

So. I've been pretending that my strange eating habits, infrequent to stressful working out, completely insane sleeping cycle, and ridiculous work hours haven't been harming my body. That game is now over. The jig is up. For the past few days, every time I eat something, I've been getting these sharp pains in the exact same place in my stomach.

That's right... I think it's an ulcer too. Not cute. So now, not only do I have to rethink the way I've been abusing my slowly aging body, but I have to go to the doctor to get myself checked out and on antibiotics ASAP.

I'm not being pessimistic, but my stupid, vain, human fears keep telling me to be on the lookout for other problems as well.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Harder than it looks

I have to get back into the gym. I've been doing the simple exercises and stretches at home, but the results have been lackluster at best. Since I left my non-profit job where my monthly fee was taken care of as part of my benefit's package, I haven't taken the initiative to go to a New York Sports Club office and set up a new membership. I have the money, I just can't seem to fit it in.

On that note, I have Netflix that need to be located and returned, checks that need to be put into the mail, a dvr recorder that needs to go back to the cable company and a host of other errands that I've very simply neglected. What is wrong with me? There is little worse than knowing exactly what you need to do and not doing it for now reason other than you don't feel like doing it. Sometimes, I tell myself that I need house staff. A personal assistant that just takes care of all the stuff that I'm too bored with to execute. Then, I come to my senses and realize that I'm just being lazy and uppity.

I'm going to do better. I can't let boredom be the excuse for failure. Too many other, would be geniuses and savants have already used that one.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Nerd Alert

You know, I never considered myself by any stretch of the imagination a techi (technology geek), but something happened today that made me feel really odd about my relationship to digital media.

I just moved to a new apt. and my roommate has a very interesting set up on his widescreen, surround sounded tv in the living room. Try as I might, I could not get the sound on today. It just wouldn't come through. He's got it routed through DVD players and speakers and a record player and a dvr machine and even a laserdisk situation. It was like tracking a mouse that you can't see through a maze that doesn't exist. So eventually I gave up totally and just watched my tv.

Now, that's not the end of the story. Although my pride was mildly damaged by that little defeat with the surround sound, I found myself battling with technology again when, later in the day, I tried to burn a DVD from my computer, only to find that my computer does not even have that capability. How could I have missed that nugget of information in the year or so I've been tinkering with this thing?

So now, it's painfully obvious to me... Myself and other generation Y pseudo-nerds have been adopting and buying into an understanding of the digital age that is dreadfully shallow and ignorant. We know how to push the buttons, but we have no idea what they actually do. I'm comfortable with using things that I can't make from scratch myself, but there should be some rudimentary understanding of what's going on to keep things simple for the user and the tool being used. From now on, I'm going to be much more attentive to instructions and explanations around digital media. I don't want to be the tank driver who was trained on a video game. I want to be the tank driver that built the tank.

Thursday, August 30, 2007


How do you know if you have insomnia? Maybe I've just kept some really bad habits from college, or haven't mastered the art of going to bed for good at a regular time each night. It has just become way too much of a struggle to quickly drift off into dreamland and just as quickly drag my aging sack of bones up out of my bed in the morning. If you know the secret, please share it with me. Warm milk, soothing music, hot water bottles, what is it?

I am going to have fun this weekend and I am going to complete my move out of the apartment in Bay Ridge. It's imperative that I accomplish both of these goals this weekend, while the opportunity is ripe.

Sunday, August 26, 2007


Sunday. The day of rest. I'm taking some time to just read and reflect and prepare for the week ahead. I've almost finished getting rid of the furniture in the old apartment, and even thought I was trying to give it away, people have offered me money for it, so that's good. Nothing much else is going on besides that fact that I saw some old friends yesterday in Jersey. Dukies are so different outside of that university.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Rock Out with your Sock out!


So here's the deal with Mr. Holley. I am the new Junior Copywriter at Euro RSCG Life x2. I'm very grateful to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for once again providing me with employment. Not only am I back in profit work, but the company is also paying for me to take class at the School of Visual Art, here in NYC. What set-up could be better to reintroduce me into academia. Although my new work keeps me extraordinarily busy, I've managed to move to Williamsburg and restart my dance training.

What else can I say?
I'm looking ahead with wide and hopeful eyes.

In addition to the dancing, writing, Ad class, and just the general hectic pace of life here in the city, I'm going to, once again, rededicate myself to this blog and possibly even a podcast to help me document this amazing and trying time in my life. Specifically, I wish to capture the different events that happen on a weekly basis and the thoughts and moods that pass through me and around me.

So, Socks...

I can't seem to figure this sock thing out. Do you roll them up together, do you put them in a special drawer do you count them all after every wash? What is the protocol for men's hosiery? I find myself wearing holes in them at an alarming rate and losing their mates as if it were a game of hide and go seek. It's at the point now that I ask for them at Christmas, grab them when I see them like they're eggs or loaf bread, its ridiculous. So goal # 10398-149038-0917 Figure out how to keep my socks together in number and condition!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Tick Tock Tick Tock

The wait has begun. I'm biding my time, taking it easy and chillin' out. In the next two weeks I expect to receive two offers of employment from two different agencies here in New York. One of them is a for-profit advertising shop and the other is a not-for-profit HIV prevention organization. For me, it will be the beginning of a new era in my life. I'll be moving into Manhattan to be closer to work, taking night classes to prepare for grad school, finishing up paperwork for my first small business and leaving a fairly comfortable life and career here in Brooklyn.

I'm ready!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Its All Fun and Games

So, I've gotten back into gaming a little. I have a nintendo ds, a playstation, some online mmorpg's and I've even been downloading games on my cell phone. I have to say, that I really enjoy the diversions. Things have been more stressful than usual at work, and the games really help bring some fun, color, interest and perspective into my days.

Helio, my new cell provider is doing a great job I think. i can spend hours just playing with the phones features, watching clips, taking pictures, posting them to the internet, listening to music, sending messages etc. Its hard to remember a time when people shared one phone in a household of 4 or more and took turns talking on it. Now when someone calls me, I can have the phone play a song that reminds me of them and
see a picture of them that I took as well.

What really amazes me now a days is how life is imitating art. I remember being blown away by the visuals in Minority report and wishing that I had a computer screen that I could just touch to input data. Now, with the new Microsoft Surface and other multi-touch interface units, I could do it! (If I could afford it)

Even with this blog and my myspace page (which are linked, i think). I can add stuff like this helio banner to get other people interested in helio and hopefully make some friends that would want to use the Buddy Beacon application with me here in NYC.

Friday, June 01, 2007

End of a Journey

Hey, I'm going to be heading back up to Ellenville, New York today for work. It will be the end of a month long tour that included Essex Massachusetts, New Orleans Lusianna and Washington D.C. I am truly exhausted and I'm glad to be at the end of what has been a very taxing journey.

I recently bought the Helio Drift phone and service and I'm really pleased with it. However, due to the increasing amount of texting that my friends and myself are engaging in, I think it may already be time to upgrade my capabilities with a Sidekick ID. What do you think? Is it really all that necessary, or should I do what my gut is telling me and shun the increasingly tight tether of daily digital discussions?

As I move into new areas of my career and my personal life, I'm finding that my needs are changing all around. I'm currently searching for a smaller apt. in Harlem of all places, to reduce living expenses and also because I just don't need all this space anymore. My food intake and sleep needs have decreased dramatically due to scheduling issues and also my body's own "evolution" into a more compact and efficient piece of meat machinery.


Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Time for an Update

Today was really busy and I noticed that when things start getting hectic, I start getting frustrated and "complainy" I didn't like how that felt and I'm certainly going to work on it immediately. Seeing as how I have at least 4 business trips coming up, I'm going to have to!

I've resumed my pet research today, and I'm pretty sure that I'm going to have to buy the cat that I want. I want a pet that has a history and a future. Adopting strays is wonderful, but I want to have the option of breeding my cat and showing it competitively. Right now, I'm looking at Skookums, Siamese, and British short hairs.

Google Earth is Amazing! They have this online community thing where you can register and post points of interest to the globe. Since I plan on leaving Bay Ridge in the next few months, and really need to stay on top of my blogging and other digital interests, I'm going to attempt to do a little multimedia review of my stay here. Hopefully, if I do it right, it will be complete with pictures of place of interest, restaurant and shop reviews, mini-films recorded by cell phone etc. This project will not only increase my proficiency with the internet and all of the newfangled blogging programs, but it will allow me to pay homage to the little neighborhood that has so quietly and effectively nurtured me for the past two years.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Bunnies Beware!

Yesterday, I began round 2 of my spring cleaning regimen. I found some orange oil stuff for wood under the kitchen sink, so I thought to myself, why not use this on the hardwood floors all over the apartment since I'm going to be mopping anyways. The floors are certainly shining and look like a V05 commercial for wood, but they are also slicker than a used car salesman covered in sun tan oil. I'll just be walking around the apartment and all of a sudden, I'll lose my footing. The first couple of times it was funny and novel, now its just hazardous. I wonder how long all of this beauty and a buffoonery will last?

The kitchen is another story altogether. I've mopped the floor in there twice, but it just won't stay clean. Shoes are taken off as soon as I get into the house and I don't have any pets, but it just won't stay clean. It's white linoleum, so maybe there's a trick to keeping it clean that I haven't learned yet.

One thing that did go well was the bunny hunt. Those dust bunnies learned the meaning of fear yesterday. I was merciless!

Friday, April 06, 2007

And Another Thing!

Is it just me, or do the women and men who are really making strides with their artwork in the music scene getting overlooked!

Tweet, Brandy, Yummy Bingham, Junior Boys etc.

Yesterday in the youth group that I co-facilitate, the group members were watching Beyonce's new video thing and I couldn't even stop myself. I went up to the tv, paused the DVD and gave a little lecture on media images, target audiences, and what it means to be gullable. Don't get me wrong, her work certainly warrants our accolades and merit; but ALL of it? No!

I know that I can't expect everyone to spend as much time and energy searching for artists and artwork that bring more to the table than your standard studio sirens, or label lobotomized lyricists. However, there has to be a better way to engage an audience than singing in the same old key of sex and excess!

Weather you Like it or Not

Why is the weather giving me all of this. Just when I begin to think that we're making some progress, and the seasons are actually changing, I find that I'm engulfed in winter again. Why? Its time to check out that Al Gore film, "An Inconvenient Truth" and finally get to the bottom of this ridiculousness.

Well, I'm finally working on putting together a small company. YAY! Some friends and I have begun a young artists consortium that will soon be incorporated as a talent agency. It's good to finally have a primary project to focus on.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

You are not Alone

This weekend I've been fortunate enough to spend time with nine friends over the course of two days.

As long as I've lived in this city, I don't think I've ever, "done" it the way I did it this weekend (which isn't even over yet). Having the right people to go to places with and enjoy all that the city has to offer with makes being here all the more enjoyable.

I really feel as though I've received the most bang for my buck this weekend, and I have my friends to thank for that.

I've always been a firm believer that people make an experience and not places or things. This weekend has been further proof of that. In response to this new appreciation I have for bringing as many of my friends and associates together as possible for events, I plan to be much more aware of who is around me and the reasons why I chose to spend time with certain people.

Friday, March 16, 2007


So winter is slowly easing its icy grip on the city. My respiratory system and sinus cavities rejoice!

I had planned on making a short visit to DC for a birthday party and to see friends, but lack of funds at the moment has forced me to postpone it until next week. I don't mind not being extraordinarily rich, but it would be nice to have enough money to do things the way I wanted to do them and when I wanted to do them. Whatever

Does anyone else come home from the club or a night out on the town and find a scratch or a bruise on themselves? It is such a mystery to me. I came home the other night from going out with friends, and there was a thin scratch on my face that has healed but has left me with the deeper scar of having experienced this numerous times without any clue to how or why it has happened? I couldn't be getting that drunk? Right?


So, I have this unsettling habit that I'm trying to break. I've tried to replace it with another activity and that worked for a while, but now I've gone back to the original behavior. Even though this behavior may sometimes keep me from doing something much worse, I still want to have better control over myself and know that I'm not compulsively acting out... its interesting and scary and annoying all at once.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Light at the end of the tunnel?

Will this winter never end? I can't believe how cold its getting here in NY. I thought we had gone through the worst of it in February. I feel trapped in my apartment. I can't go to the gym or visit with my friends uptown because in a few moments out in the elements makes me feel like I'm putting my health at risk. Even when bundled up, my fingers freeze up and tingle, my nose hardens, my breathing slows, my ears all but fall off, its not cute.

DC better be at least ten degrees warmer when I attempt a visit in a week or so.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

Today, one of my friends called me and told me that he was in the hospital. I hate when people do that. They wait until there is nothing that you can do, and then spring something on you that may call for you to help out in some way. It's very passive aggressive. But, I wish him well and will be checking up on him later on in the week.

I forgot to call another one of my friends on his birthday and now its too early in the morning to do it today, so he and I will have to wait a bit longer to exchange pleasantries over the phone.

Pictures, I need go get a camera and take more pictures of myself and my surroundings. I've been going places and doing things, and I have no evidence of it all besides my own faltering memories. Sad

So, the summer diet has started today and my body is beginning to forgive me for the evils I've inflicted upon it during the frosty months of winter. No more blubber luvin', it's all about skin, muscle and bone now.

OK Things to do SOON!

Spring cleaning!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

The House that ---------- Built!

So... I think i'm joining a house. Since I have moved to New York and been working as a service provider in the HIV prevention field, I've come in contact with a lot of different populations, subcultures, scenes etc. One of these groups of people has come to inhabit quite a bit of my heart. The House Ball community is exploding with talent, energy, creativity, fun and excitement. Who wouldn't want to be a part of it all?

While working with members of the House Ball community at my agency and providing services for the community through the agency's programming, I have met some wonderful people who see the same potential for growth, experimentation and development that I do. It doesn't surprise me at all though. One of the first things that a good friend of mine said to me before I started working more heavily within the House Ball community was, "... Don't get caught up in their world...". But even then, we both knew it was too late and that my personality wouldn't allow me to see such wonders and walk away uninterested.

It all fits together in many ways; how I've been working on my music and meeting artists that have asked me to represent them and guide them, my own personal dilly-dallying in entertainment at college and here in NY. Now, with the contacts and structure that being in on the ground floor of a groundbreaking new house will bring, all of those experiences and projects can learn from each other and enhance my total body of work.


Monday, February 12, 2007

More Sinus trouble

I think going to Jersey the other day and being out in the cold for too long gave me some sinus trouble. Just like when I went to Boston. When will I ever learn.

So...I finally started cleaning up the apt. today. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be! I just have to get into a schedule.

The Grammy's were very interesting. I didn't see it from the beginning, but from what I did see, they seem to have taken all of the fun and excitement out of the actual presentation of the award. Way too often, the viewer finds them selves enjoying a fairly solid performance from an artist or band, and directly afterwards, witness the same act receiving an award. Now I know it's customary to have the most favored artists of the moment perform their most recent hit at events, but come on.

I want to be surprised. I would rather have the Grammy's be more adventurous and enlightening by taking the viewer on a tour of less popular but just as valuable recording endeavors National Geographic style, than feel like I'm watching a souped-up TRL!

But thats just me. However and Yet!, I was pleasantly surprised at the amount of homage and recognition that was paid to groundbreaking artists who are no longer with us and legendary performers who still are. That was well done and well deserved.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Practicing with a Cold

I plan to start getting my poems, songs, random musings, etc together to record a very short demo in the near future. In preparation for this, I've been working out the chops lately just to let them know what is to be expected of them later on.

Its messy. I have a cold right now that's really been reeking havoc on my singing voice and my speaking voice as well. Post a comment and let me know what you think...

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Gab Boy

Gabcast! Snizatch Blog #3

New Pic, Old Tric

So, here's another sepia toned pic of me. Trust me, i look a lot better in sepia.
I met with an old friend today at starbucks and caught up. Although he's not really an old friend, I call him that cause I can see our relationship very quickly becoming that of two people of have known each other for some time. We speak very frankly and directly to each other and there are few people in my life who I can really do that with. As time marches on, I find myself speaking to these few people more than any of the other people I come in contact with.

Get this though, I actually chose to stay at home and catch up on some personal work rather than go out with two buddies tonight. Drinking and acting like I've been "let out of a cage" (as my grandmother so vividly describes it) were once a source of pride for me. Now, my actions, whether wild or respectful, are all performed with a sense of sincerety and purpose that befuddles even me. Who knew that letting loose could be done with as much purpose as holding back!?

Friday, February 02, 2007


Just got back from Boston, and so glad of it. I had a good time and all, but who wants to be on the road more than one week at a time? Not I, said the little black boy. It's good to be back in New York, and to celebrate, I've already schelduled some crazy time with the usual suspects.

Sunday, January 21, 2007


Well yesterday I wrote a brilliant song in the tub and then totally forgot it.
So me. I was about to go and do some work in the office and wanted to relax before I got there so I took a bath instead of a shower. Relaxing is not even the word, it was more like I trancended to another plane. I haven't had a bath like that in a while and I really let myself go, I felt the water and existed in my body and forced my mind's business into submission. I was singing stuff like wade in the water etc. Then, I started making up this song as i went called Bathe with me. I tried to write it down while I was on the way to work, but it just didn't go as well as in the tub. Well, what are you going to do?

I didn't go to church today, although I was genuine when I posted earlier about wanting to continue to go to the Horizon church, my reservations of late have been getting the best of me. Hopefully, I will soon overcome them and make time to either go to Horizon or find another church to attend.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

More Cover Letters!

I really hate coverletters. I see the need for them, but writing them is so time consuming and nerve wrecking. I'm much more comfortable with face to face interviews and phone interviews. My writing style is very staccato and can seem kind of schitzo at times.

I finally went back to the gym for the fist time since the Christmas holiday season and coming back from NC. I'm sore, but its good to know that I can get back into the habit of going with little resistance from my body or even the rapidly shrinking mercury readings.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Back in the Habit!

I'm back from NC! It was such a blessing to be able to go back and visit with my family once again during the holiday season. Christmas is one of my favorite holidays, and it never fails to bring new understanding and love between me and my kinfolk.

In fact, I was so inspired by conversations that I had with my middle brother while at home, I researched, discovered and attended a branch of the church he attends in Raleigh NC. The similarities between it and another non-denominational church my family attended when I was a little boy were striking. The music, the greetings, the set up of the sanctuary and their communion were almost identical. How comforting and remarkable!! I certainly plan to continue to worship, and study with with them.

Thank you Jesus Christ!