....slowly, but surely.....

Friday, June 01, 2007

End of a Journey

Hey, I'm going to be heading back up to Ellenville, New York today for work. It will be the end of a month long tour that included Essex Massachusetts, New Orleans Lusianna and Washington D.C. I am truly exhausted and I'm glad to be at the end of what has been a very taxing journey.

I recently bought the Helio Drift phone and service and I'm really pleased with it. However, due to the increasing amount of texting that my friends and myself are engaging in, I think it may already be time to upgrade my capabilities with a Sidekick ID. What do you think? Is it really all that necessary, or should I do what my gut is telling me and shun the increasingly tight tether of daily digital discussions?

As I move into new areas of my career and my personal life, I'm finding that my needs are changing all around. I'm currently searching for a smaller apt. in Harlem of all places, to reduce living expenses and also because I just don't need all this space anymore. My food intake and sleep needs have decreased dramatically due to scheduling issues and also my body's own "evolution" into a more compact and efficient piece of meat machinery.


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