....slowly, but surely.....

Saturday, February 03, 2007

New Pic, Old Tric

So, here's another sepia toned pic of me. Trust me, i look a lot better in sepia.
I met with an old friend today at starbucks and caught up. Although he's not really an old friend, I call him that cause I can see our relationship very quickly becoming that of two people of have known each other for some time. We speak very frankly and directly to each other and there are few people in my life who I can really do that with. As time marches on, I find myself speaking to these few people more than any of the other people I come in contact with.

Get this though, I actually chose to stay at home and catch up on some personal work rather than go out with two buddies tonight. Drinking and acting like I've been "let out of a cage" (as my grandmother so vividly describes it) were once a source of pride for me. Now, my actions, whether wild or respectful, are all performed with a sense of sincerety and purpose that befuddles even me. Who knew that letting loose could be done with as much purpose as holding back!?

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