....slowly, but surely.....

Monday, February 12, 2007

More Sinus trouble

I think going to Jersey the other day and being out in the cold for too long gave me some sinus trouble. Just like when I went to Boston. When will I ever learn.

So...I finally started cleaning up the apt. today. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be! I just have to get into a schedule.

The Grammy's were very interesting. I didn't see it from the beginning, but from what I did see, they seem to have taken all of the fun and excitement out of the actual presentation of the award. Way too often, the viewer finds them selves enjoying a fairly solid performance from an artist or band, and directly afterwards, witness the same act receiving an award. Now I know it's customary to have the most favored artists of the moment perform their most recent hit at events, but come on.

I want to be surprised. I would rather have the Grammy's be more adventurous and enlightening by taking the viewer on a tour of less popular but just as valuable recording endeavors National Geographic style, than feel like I'm watching a souped-up TRL!

But thats just me. However and Yet!, I was pleasantly surprised at the amount of homage and recognition that was paid to groundbreaking artists who are no longer with us and legendary performers who still are. That was well done and well deserved.

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