....slowly, but surely.....

Sunday, February 18, 2007

The House that ---------- Built!

So... I think i'm joining a house. Since I have moved to New York and been working as a service provider in the HIV prevention field, I've come in contact with a lot of different populations, subcultures, scenes etc. One of these groups of people has come to inhabit quite a bit of my heart. The House Ball community is exploding with talent, energy, creativity, fun and excitement. Who wouldn't want to be a part of it all?

While working with members of the House Ball community at my agency and providing services for the community through the agency's programming, I have met some wonderful people who see the same potential for growth, experimentation and development that I do. It doesn't surprise me at all though. One of the first things that a good friend of mine said to me before I started working more heavily within the House Ball community was, "... Don't get caught up in their world...". But even then, we both knew it was too late and that my personality wouldn't allow me to see such wonders and walk away uninterested.

It all fits together in many ways; how I've been working on my music and meeting artists that have asked me to represent them and guide them, my own personal dilly-dallying in entertainment at college and here in NY. Now, with the contacts and structure that being in on the ground floor of a groundbreaking new house will bring, all of those experiences and projects can learn from each other and enhance my total body of work.


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