....slowly, but surely.....

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


At one point in my life, I was very much interested in music. Writing, singing, playing piano, performing, the whole bit. When I went to college, I pursued it in the beginning with an extremely short stint as a bass in the Duke University Chapel Choir. All of this was put onto the back burner when I became a student leader and activist. Of course, I still felt drawn to it, but there was little time or energy left to dedicate to it. Now that approximately 6 years have passed, I'm finally ready to look at my past dream and either discard it as unrealistic and unworthy, or tack it onto my new view of life.

So, for the next few months or so, I will be looking for singing gigs in NY to get my feet wet again with performing and to work some of the cobwebs off of my voice. The thing about my writing and my voice is that it doesn't have a strong hold in any one genre, so its a hard pitch. I've trained "classically" and I'm very well steeped in the black southern baptist gospel traditions, but i'm also extremely fond of experimental vocals and abstraction such as Bjork and some of the more daring alternative artists. So I have my work cut out for me. I mean, who wants to hear a cross between Luther Vandross and Bjork?

I have to give the credit for this new found faith in my own talent and drive to my good coworker who shall remain nameless. Wish me luck

1 comment:

Avowed_Southern_Democrat said...

I am glad you are going to explore this again. You should always find your dream, and this may well be your future. Be blessed and stay in touch, especially as you return to the alma mater on occasion. Go Blue Devil, wit yo bad self. Hotep.