....slowly, but surely.....

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Back to the Middle

India Arie has this song called Back to the Middle, that I've used as a kind of meditation tool for some time now. Even though I could never be exactly sure of what she meant by the lyrics of this song unless I personally asked her, I feel my interpretation is pretty close.
I believe that it is her plea to the world to exercise moderation in some things and to not go so far to one side of an experience to miss something in it. In my youth, I can say that I've done some things in the extreme without even knowing what they were about or why I was doing it. Now, I'm more apt to really take my time and think things over, sometimes a little too much, sometimes not enough, but at least I'm thinking more.

Take this blog for instance. I use it as a personal journal. I write these little nuggets to myself and put them on the world wide web for easy retrieval knowing full well that anyone else could see it if they wanted to. Yet, I keep it pretty tame and vague so as not to have all of my business out there. If someone were to read my blog beginning to end, they would only get a sense of my general mood from month to month nothing more.

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