....slowly, but surely.....

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Spirituality TV


So, I watched Oprah today and really started to get where her craziness is taking America. She was dealing with these mothers who were having trouble with their extremely young daughters' neuroses. But instead of just allowing the conversation to trail off into psychobable regarding modern consumerist images etc., she forced the mothers to look into their pasts and at their own feelings and internal selves. It made sense in a very "cum-by-yah" kind of way.

As a non-denominational Christian, I was very impressed with the passionate, yet inviting way in which Oprah spoke about self-love and personal inventor and all that jazz. She made it, for lack of a better word and with the fear of foolishness in my heart, consumable. Yes, I know the danger in boiling down something as awesome as the realization of a higher power and the human experience of love, salvation etc., but you have to start somewhere. I can't help but think that in some way, Oprah is bringing people closer to God.? Or, at the very least, showing them that this world is not all about them and that there is more to the world than what they can taste, touch, smell, hear and see.

So, I'm going to lay off Oprah and her empire for a while. It's going to be a part of my desire to be more positive and to bring more "positive energy" into my life. (an idea I probably got from Oprah)

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