....slowly, but surely.....

Monday, August 21, 2006

One is not the loneliest number


So, I'm still single and moderately bored out of my mind. But that's ok because I have a lot of other things that are going on that are more important. So important, in fact, that I'm doing them right now and so have no time to write about them in this blog!!.... So stop asking me about it!!


I'm going to start a tshirt line called P.S.T.S. , which stands for Post Script T-shirts. they're going to be very interesting. I won't reveal the entire concept but basically, the wearer will, at certain times, be able to subtly communicate such heartwarming sentiments as " p.s. My friends never liked you anyways... " and so forth. Don't wet your pants just yet, they're only going to be available through me at first and they're going to cost a relative fortune. So be on the lookout!!

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