....slowly, but surely.....

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


The majority of any vacation time I come across is spent sleeping. And not the restful, quiet angelic sleep like in the movies, but the random, fitfull unwieldy sleep of a person exhausted and unorganized. Maybe there is some kind of sleeping class I can take at the learning annex or something so that I can try to maximize my sleeping time.

My dreams are ok though. Not too good to be true, not so bad that they could be called nightmares. They seem much more like visions than dreams. I don't care to discuss them because they're somewhat personal. I'm usually aggravated and scared when dreams feel so real you wake up thinking that it really happened, but recently I've just enjoyed the ride. Hopefully, this is a sign of maturity on my part.

I'm looking forward to going to the gym today. I haven't been in approximately two days and i'm starting to get that big feeling again. That feeling where everything I eat feels like its just being tied onto my personal mass and is not really being processed. Certainly, this feeling must be connected to some mild form of an eating disorder, but I think I can handle it, as I have in the past.

Lastly, there are going to be a lot of pictures from my best friend's visit posted as soon as I get my hands on them. I'm looking forward to seeing how I've changed in the past year. I know I see myself in the mirror and stuff, but only a candid shot of yourself can really tell you how others see you. So wish me and my frail sense of reality luck.

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