....slowly, but surely.....

Friday, July 28, 2006


You know, sometimes you just don't need to know some things. It's funny, because as children, we're taught by Schoolhouse Rock that knowledge is power. But knowledge is not wisdom and understanding and if you know something but don't understand it, it can drive you mad.

Yesterday, someone was sick on the train, I inched closer and closer to see if I could figure out what was all the hubbub. When the crowd surround the person finally cleared a little I saw one of the most disturbing sites I had ever seen. The sounds, the colors the, movement, it was all so other worldy, I actually thought this person may be possessed! So I said a little prayer for him and turned away, becuase there was honestly nothing more that I believed I could do, and the paramedics were already on the scene. Did I need to see all that? NO! Have I learned something from it? Not anything that I didn't already know, which is to mind your own business.
I'm certainly going to be more careful to only seek out the info that I can process.

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