....slowly, but surely.....

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Why oh why must I write cover letter?

I hate writing cover letters.


I just want people to call me and ask me whats the deal if they can't get it all from my resume. I mean, isn't that what the phone and face to face interviews are for. A writing sample I can understand, but cover letters just wear me out.

Friday, August 25, 2006

silly and free

I spent most of the day today watching clips from Tyler Perry's Medea movies. It was funny.
I also looked at some clips of president Bush. It's like watching a 50's cartoon or something where the antagonist gets to spend to much time trying to prove he's not the antagonist.

However, I did go to a birthday party at a skating rink the other day and it was really nice. I haven't been so silly and free since high school.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Stomach Ache

Why is it that my stomach is always in some kind of turmoil?
I'm having trouble digesting something, I have gas, I have a fupa for a few days, it's just a mess! I'm going to have to see someone about this. My guess right now is that it's my diet. I need to incorporate more green vegetables and less meat and high fructose corn syrup. (which I am horribly addicted to)

I want a stomach that's tight and shrunken. I want my stomach and intestine to only be used to snatch nutrients from the lonely morsels of carefully selected food products meant only to keep my body from dying. As a matter of fact, I don't even want a stomach. I want a bio-material distribution unit. Yeah thats it.

Well, I'm off to the gym / physiological improvement facility.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Heavy.com vid test

One is not the loneliest number


So, I'm still single and moderately bored out of my mind. But that's ok because I have a lot of other things that are going on that are more important. So important, in fact, that I'm doing them right now and so have no time to write about them in this blog!!.... So stop asking me about it!!


I'm going to start a tshirt line called P.S.T.S. , which stands for Post Script T-shirts. they're going to be very interesting. I won't reveal the entire concept but basically, the wearer will, at certain times, be able to subtly communicate such heartwarming sentiments as " p.s. My friends never liked you anyways... " and so forth. Don't wet your pants just yet, they're only going to be available through me at first and they're going to cost a relative fortune. So be on the lookout!!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Spirituality TV


So, I watched Oprah today and really started to get where her craziness is taking America. She was dealing with these mothers who were having trouble with their extremely young daughters' neuroses. But instead of just allowing the conversation to trail off into psychobable regarding modern consumerist images etc., she forced the mothers to look into their pasts and at their own feelings and internal selves. It made sense in a very "cum-by-yah" kind of way.

As a non-denominational Christian, I was very impressed with the passionate, yet inviting way in which Oprah spoke about self-love and personal inventor and all that jazz. She made it, for lack of a better word and with the fear of foolishness in my heart, consumable. Yes, I know the danger in boiling down something as awesome as the realization of a higher power and the human experience of love, salvation etc., but you have to start somewhere. I can't help but think that in some way, Oprah is bringing people closer to God.? Or, at the very least, showing them that this world is not all about them and that there is more to the world than what they can taste, touch, smell, hear and see.

So, I'm going to lay off Oprah and her empire for a while. It's going to be a part of my desire to be more positive and to bring more "positive energy" into my life. (an idea I probably got from Oprah)

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


The majority of any vacation time I come across is spent sleeping. And not the restful, quiet angelic sleep like in the movies, but the random, fitfull unwieldy sleep of a person exhausted and unorganized. Maybe there is some kind of sleeping class I can take at the learning annex or something so that I can try to maximize my sleeping time.

My dreams are ok though. Not too good to be true, not so bad that they could be called nightmares. They seem much more like visions than dreams. I don't care to discuss them because they're somewhat personal. I'm usually aggravated and scared when dreams feel so real you wake up thinking that it really happened, but recently I've just enjoyed the ride. Hopefully, this is a sign of maturity on my part.

I'm looking forward to going to the gym today. I haven't been in approximately two days and i'm starting to get that big feeling again. That feeling where everything I eat feels like its just being tied onto my personal mass and is not really being processed. Certainly, this feeling must be connected to some mild form of an eating disorder, but I think I can handle it, as I have in the past.

Lastly, there are going to be a lot of pictures from my best friend's visit posted as soon as I get my hands on them. I'm looking forward to seeing how I've changed in the past year. I know I see myself in the mirror and stuff, but only a candid shot of yourself can really tell you how others see you. So wish me and my frail sense of reality luck.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Simple Fun

I've had such a wonderful beginning to my vacation. My best friend came up from DC along with his cousin and another friend from North Carolina. We went out dancing, to the beach, dinner and so on. It was really lovely, I can't remember when I've laughed or smiled more. It's good to know that I still had a good time left in me.

I've been invited to go to Atlanta this upcoming week and I'm contemplating that. I feel so relaxed already it's kind of unsettling. I'm usually in such a state of stress and aggravation because of the work that I do. It's nice not to have deal with problem after problem after problem for a change.

The picture above is some kind of African orchid. I'm thinking about having it cut into my hair as a fun summer design. Write me and let me know what you think about it.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Aww, when I still had hair and self esteem...


I'm not one for too much vanity. However, I am a proponent of this newfangled "healthy living". As part of our fairly extensive benefits package, my employer pays for a New York Sports Club membership for all full time employees. At first I thought it was a waist of money, now I feel incomplete if I haven't pumped some iron at least 3-4 nights a week. I didn't go tonight and I feel awful about it, even though I'm supposed to be recuperating from a minor injury to my leg.

I'm fully aware of the "man-titty" craze and I'm not bashfull about the mini-cleavage I've begun to sport since taking advantage of my sport club membership. Yet, I can't help think that some part of lifting a dumbell instead of building a hut or something like that is really vain and wastefull. Obviously, it's practically impossible to take up truly strenuous hobbies in a city like New York. While growing up in North Carolina there were all too many farms to work on and nearby undeveloped land to trek through. Here in the city, most of my "treks" land me at a shopping district or a watering hole that serves everything but water. I've become so into working out and gaining that beat-up, built-up feeling that I've actually injured myself. And for what?.... So a few more people will take notice of my useless mass on the train or at a dimly lit society event?....... YES!!

If there is one thing that I've learned in this city, it's that time is of the essence and it may even be necessary to make quick judgements about how a person lives their life in certain instances. I don't always have the time to break the ice with conversation and shared interests, common goals blah blah blah, sometimes a hot body and a clear and concise invitation says more about a persons desire, drive and understanding of "how things work" than an impromptu dissertation spilled out over a coffee date.

So, I'll continue work out at the gym and become even more mindful of my own version of "healthy living". I'll just be sure to put the same effort into exercising, improving and sprucing up my mind that goes into my body.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


At one point in my life, I was very much interested in music. Writing, singing, playing piano, performing, the whole bit. When I went to college, I pursued it in the beginning with an extremely short stint as a bass in the Duke University Chapel Choir. All of this was put onto the back burner when I became a student leader and activist. Of course, I still felt drawn to it, but there was little time or energy left to dedicate to it. Now that approximately 6 years have passed, I'm finally ready to look at my past dream and either discard it as unrealistic and unworthy, or tack it onto my new view of life.

So, for the next few months or so, I will be looking for singing gigs in NY to get my feet wet again with performing and to work some of the cobwebs off of my voice. The thing about my writing and my voice is that it doesn't have a strong hold in any one genre, so its a hard pitch. I've trained "classically" and I'm very well steeped in the black southern baptist gospel traditions, but i'm also extremely fond of experimental vocals and abstraction such as Bjork and some of the more daring alternative artists. So I have my work cut out for me. I mean, who wants to hear a cross between Luther Vandross and Bjork?

I have to give the credit for this new found faith in my own talent and drive to my good coworker who shall remain nameless. Wish me luck

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Why do we do this to ourselves?

Why do we dance around and feel it to these little bitches who all sound the same and work under the same motives, style and attitude. Cause we're not brave enough to listen to and accept the audible art of the more "mass-aesthetically" challenged entertainers, i.e. men, trannies, full figured women. I know I'm not the only one who is only mildly titilated by these omni-ethnic pop, pornacustic products. Once the video is off and the beat is gone, i'm not thinking about anything that i wasn't thinking of before I listened to "their" electronic wizardry.

I'm not saying that I won't continue to listen to artists like Rihanna. I'm saying that I'm not really wowed by the reissuing of past entertainment success, Janet, Madonna, Whitney, Mariah etc. We know how their brand of "diva-tion" goes. Give me some something else. Really, something so different, I don't even recognize it as music initially!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Back to the Middle

India Arie has this song called Back to the Middle, that I've used as a kind of meditation tool for some time now. Even though I could never be exactly sure of what she meant by the lyrics of this song unless I personally asked her, I feel my interpretation is pretty close.
I believe that it is her plea to the world to exercise moderation in some things and to not go so far to one side of an experience to miss something in it. In my youth, I can say that I've done some things in the extreme without even knowing what they were about or why I was doing it. Now, I'm more apt to really take my time and think things over, sometimes a little too much, sometimes not enough, but at least I'm thinking more.

Take this blog for instance. I use it as a personal journal. I write these little nuggets to myself and put them on the world wide web for easy retrieval knowing full well that anyone else could see it if they wanted to. Yet, I keep it pretty tame and vague so as not to have all of my business out there. If someone were to read my blog beginning to end, they would only get a sense of my general mood from month to month nothing more.