....slowly, but surely.....

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Voce Dolce

Sitting in front of the computer to write my already amazingly boring blog is no longer doing it for me. I'm a much more effective orator when I put my mind to it. Making these NPR inspired Gabcasts will hopefully liven things up. I've done them in the past and they seem to take on much more meaning for myself and others than if they were just dry prose. (Like what I'm writing now!)

I plan to have really interesting guest interviews. Fortunately, I know some rather unique characters that haven't yet been properly shared with the public. Also, my own thought process is better captured in audio, since I talk to myself a lot. (I might as well document my own absurdities if I'm going to be all Anne Frank with this blog.

Snizatch Blog #5

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