....slowly, but surely.....

Friday, February 08, 2008

Gone for a minute

Yeah, I know. Its really been a while, and where are all the pictures that I've been promising already? I just can't seem to really find something that I find interesting enough to photograph and post. It can't help that I'm always at work and I never get out to do stuff in the city and live like a normal person under 50, that could have something to do with it. Since I don't have any hot pics or exciting tales of intrigue, I'll just talk about random stuff that catches my attention here and there.

While running a simple errand on 23rd street on Super Tuesday, I was handed a Hillary Clinton pamphlet from a middle aged Latina woman. She was wearing a blue and white mesh vest that was remarkably similar to that of a construction worker or someone completing a mandate of community service. "Ave youw woted today?" she called out to the massively uninterested passersby in a genuinely concerned voice. I walked over to her and stuck out my hand and one of my most non-threatening smiles. I must have looked like a crocodile winking at a baby wildebeast at the watering hole, but I really was glad to see her. She handed me the pamphlet, saw my croc-smile and raised me a thank-you-kind-sir smile and head nod. As she turned away to continue her outreach, the only thought that my grey matter could muster in this awkward moment of truth was "America". But not just any "America", the "America" uttered with a sigh and a shrug during the song Sante Fe in Broadway's Rent by the tranny character Angel. I just couldn't help but feel the guilt of ambivalence in the face of this woman's courage, trust, dedication and patriotism in and for a country that she may or may not have been born in. It's just something to think about.

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