....slowly, but surely.....

Sunday, February 24, 2008

New Skypecast Talk Show: SNIZATCH the mix


I'm going to try out this new Skypecasting thing because I think its an amazing new medium. That's it. I think it's cool, so I'm going to do it. Podcasting, Youtube videos, message boards etc. are all very hot and fresh ways of getting a message, an idea, a point of view or whatever out there into the global ether. But, with a Skypecast, you can bring people together and discuss stuff in-real time with no editing, no holds barred kind of action. Pretty exciting, right? How many times have you yelled at Fox news, "that's not right!" or found yourself tearing up during an Oprah segment, just bursting to say something to that beautiful young widow about the meaning of life. Now, there is a forum where we can do just that.

Check me out! Skypecast

Snizatch the mic

Saturdays at seven.

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