....slowly, but surely.....

Friday, February 15, 2008


So, I did a little contemplating about God again today. I think I've made a little headway, but it's not that important. I know that I will never fully understand, I'm just trying to improve the context and the language that holds my faith and relationship to the Almighty. Basically, I need a way to think about God that doesn't make me feel completely lost.

In other news, there have been lots of rumors on the net about Brandy's new album. There couldn't be a more hopeful fan. There just couldn't be. Her recent unreleased song leaks have kept me going for the past 3 years or so, and I'm grateful for them. However, now that the prospect of the new album is close, my anticipation and greedy desire has grown immensely. I can't wait.

My instructor at SVA was a very sobering experience today. He reviewed my work last night with a certain objectivity and clinical dryness that surprised even me, Mr. social worker transplant. It's precisely what I need to improve my style and focus, communication strength and overall conceptual effectiveness. I hope.


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