....slowly, but surely.....

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Natural Enemies?



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via Gizmodo by Adam Frucci on 12/22/09

Here is a photo of a videographer getting taken down by an eagle. This is basically the plot of Avatar completely summed up, made for considerably less than $250 million. [Reddit via The Daily What]


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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What a Hack!

How could we all have not known about this?! Oh, yeah.... National security. Oh well, I think it's cool anyways.


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via Gizmodo by Rosa Golijan on 12/21/09

I wonder what's going through Mitch "oorange3" Adair's head in this picture. Is he annoyed that someone made yet another joke about hacking the Gibson or did he just lose the US Cyber Challenge? Either way, that's one unhappy-looking hacker.

The US Cyber Challenge in which Adair participated is a huge competition with the goal of hacking your opponents' computers while defending your own from attacks. It's not just a silly game for the sake of showing off either: The competition is designed to find talented individuals and recruit them to defend our country, companies, and computers from evil-doers' cyberattacks.

Neat competition, but I still wonder if Adair's frustration was because he didn't win or because of a lame joke. [CNN]

Update: Adair has emailed me to set the record straight. He explains that this isn't frustration or annoyance we're seeing. It's the "21st century's version of Rodin's The Thinker."


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Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Liu Bolin, Scene and Herd in China

I'm not only drawn to the unbelievable amount of skill that Liu Bolin's exhibits in his work, I'm educated and amazed by the political commentary that the subject matter suggests.


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via WebUrbanist by Steph on 12/5/09


In a world of Photoshop and special effects, artistic craft wrought by hand is getting harder to come by. But Liu Bolin doesn't need any fancy technology to produce the jaw-dropping illusion of invisibility – his urban camouflage photography is all paint and pure talent.


The Beijing-based artist spends hours studying his chosen locations and painting himself and other subjects, while carefully taking perspective and texture into account for spectacular results that render them almost invisible.


But Liu's work is more than just a cool-looking feat of trompe l'oeil. In the past, works depicting anti-government imagery, including some in which his Chinese subjects are in the grips of police officers, have resulted in the Chinese government shutting down his art studio.


"In my photography, historical statues, costumes and architecture become symbols of that which confines us," Liu says. "I am expressing the desire to break through these structures. I portray subjects that seem to disappear into these structures and become transparent. The subject is released from social constructs and he is free."


"Living in the red hot China, I feel that I am not in control of my own life. However, I have an indescribable burning desire inside of me. Art is a weapon that helps us untangle the chaos in our lives. I hope that my artworks can calm people down during this period of constant change, but at the same time, inspire people to re-evaluate our environment and reconsider the problems arising in our society. In this transition period, I can hear the voice of Hamlet whispering, "for in the sleep of death, what dreams may come."

Urban Camouflage Clothing, Art and Design

Camouflage isn't just for natural environments - it can be used surprisingly effectively in urban surroundings as well. Click Here to See More


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Thursday, December 03, 2009

Kris Kuksi’s Recycled Toy Sculptures

Kris Kuksi is THE aesthetic truth for 2010, so say I.


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via INHABITAT by Ariel Schwartz on 11/19/09

sustainable design, green design, eco art, recycled toy sculptures, upcycling, kris kuksi, art, artist

The beautiful thing about upcycled materials is that the end results often bear no resemblance to the original items. Such is the case with sculptor Kris Kuksi's toy sculptures, which are constructed out of old toys, statues, and mechanical parts.

upcycling, kris kuksi, art, artist upcycling, kris kuksi, art, artist upcycling, kris kuksi, art, artist

Read the rest of Kris Kuksi's Recycled Toy Sculptures Will Scare the Kids

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Sunday, November 29, 2009

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Saturday, November 28, 2009

We're all Duned

A talented young architecture student named Magnus Larsson has come up with a wonderful plan to very literally solidify the efforts of the Green Wall Sahara initiative. In his ingenious plan, microorganisms would be used to teraform the dunes on the southern border of the Sahara into a porous wall that shelter Sub-Saharan Africa from the ever expanding desert. I found it hard to believe that this could be even remotely possible at first, but after listening to him explain the project in a TED conference presentation and visiting his detailed website, I think that this could quite possibly the first of many Sand cities that the international community could build in "third world" countries across the globe.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Rocking chair that powers your reading

I really enjoy these newfangled human-powered designs. It's good to start thinking about alternate energy sources within the framework of our everyday lives and how we want to live, and not necessarily how we are living right now.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Didn't Choo know?

While we're on the subject of H&M. They have had the unbelievably brilliant idea to finally feature a well-known fashion accessory designer/label in their stores for a limited time starting this November 14th. But that's not all. Not only will there be a line of the obligatory women's accessories (bags, etc.) there will also be items available for the discerning, yet wallet conscious gentlemen.


I really like this new user interface that international retail giant H&M is using to present it's fall collection. Usually the photos in an online 'catalogue' are static and designed to move or transition from one photo to the next in fun little ways, but they have actually embedded little videos that allow each look to be gently blown by a breeze. Unique and actually useful in getting an idea of how the fabrics will behave in real life. Good job corporate giant, spend that money on artwork and programing!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Got till he's gone

I believe this media frenzy around Michael Jackson's death is a
response to the memories and emotions that his music evoked. People
are realizing that the source of all that unique and powerful talent
is gone.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The air up there

Click on the title to view a slideshow of NYC's new Highline park. Wonderful design, great location and grand purpose. Say hello to my new lunch hangout.

Monday, June 08, 2009

The relief rush

Every day, about an hour after lunch, everyone in the office gets the
same feeling. This feeling can only be described as the, OMG I have to
go right now feeling. Maybe it's the coffee from breakfast colliding
with the vitamin water from lunch, maybe it's just that we've all
reached maximum capacity. Who knows. What we do know is that no one
wants their coworkers to catch them doing their serious business. What
to do? I propose that we stagger our lunches so that the inevitable
intestinal pile-up happens in a way that keeps us from embarassing
bathroom revelations. Done.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Time to learn

Why is it that every summer, we declare a season of change and newness for our social lives? Only to fall back into comfortable ways of sloth and missed opportunities. Even though I have a big project to complete this summer, I don't have the energy to visit museums and parks and shows like I would want. But, I plan to do something about it. Instead of allowing the important educational stuff to lose in the lottery for time against the important work stuff, I'm going to combine them. Done.

Monday, May 18, 2009

I can't tell you how disappointed I am at western union.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Lisp'n Here!

Is it just me or do a lot of tv personalities have very noticeable lisps and speech impediments. I just need to know two things. Number one, did they get hired becuase of their unique consonant expressions or in spite of them and, number two, do they even recognize or realize that they are not producing certain letters from the correct and agreed upon places on the tongue, teeth, and lips? Kevin Pereira is one of my favorite aural offenders. I really enjoy his presentation of gadget news and digi-globe cultural memes. I'm just not sure how much of his ths in place of s I can stand.
Have we reached a point where, certain things like perfect diction/pronunciation don't matter anymore? Maybe I'm being too harsh and people like Kevin are aware of their difference and simply aren't able to do anything about it. If that is the case, then I am truly sorry. If it's not, then I'd like someone to explain this whole thing to me. I used to have a horrible stutter, and it drove me mad to listen to it, so I worked hard to slow things down and get them out of my mouth right or not at all. Perhaps that's why I'm a little sensitive.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Modern Speak

So. I've noticed that a new way of constructing meaning has come about in pop culture lately. People talk differently than they used to. My best guess as to the origins of this new lexicon is that it is a direct descendent of ubiquitous technology use. Although I myself have a hard time figuring out the code, I thought I'd try and begin a little dictionary to help acquaint the public with the subtle nuances of modern speak. Here we go.

So = Listen, you may enjoy this
like = reminds me of, you know, obviously or perceived to be
Here's the thing = I beleive, the core concept is, I've noticed
Acronyms = easy ways to confuse others and avoid details
worst ever/ best ever = too lazy to describe with elaborate adjectives
I'm swamped = drowning a dirty mess
hot mess = a bad situation thats been festering for a bit
very _____ = resembles, can be compared to

There will be much more to come. I'm going to keep an ear out for new sayings.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Mommy was Right

In one of the first scenes in Mommy Dearest, Joan Crawford, played by the incomparable Faye Dunaway bathes in her ultra-luxurious bathroom. We see her wash her face in scalding hot water and then use ice water to rinse away the grime. Why would someone torture themselves like that everyday? I'll tell you why, because it works. I've recently taken to using the steam room at my gym after each workout. I sit in the steam room for as long as I can bear it and then I rinse in a super cold shower. The heat opens up my pores and encourages my body to sweat-out toxins while the cold water closes pores up again. My skin feels fresh, clean and tight. At first it was a little uncomfortable, now I look forward to it as part of my daily ritual.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Is Goth Green?

Latex, old lace, leather, found items, homemade and recyled, goth designers are really making a comeback with a wild assortment of new ideas about what erotic-wear, cos-play and everyday should look like. I'm really interested in finding out how green these creations can be.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Global Chicken Crisis

While grabbing a bite to eat at a small chicken joint in scenic Crown Heights Brooklyn, I snapped this pic which illustrates the new mentality of the American businessman or woman. What else can I say? I'm still learning about the minutia of the Global Economic Crisis through media majicians like NPR's This American Life. Check out episode #375 for a detailed explanation of the crisis from the perspective of failing banks.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Unboxing is Porn

Ok. Am I the only one that thinks this whole unboxing phenomenon is a little strange? Think about it. People buy new stuff as soon as it hits the streets, then they meticulously document taking it out of it's packaging and using it for the first time. I remember when reviews were just about how the product worked and whether consumers should fork over money now or wait until something better and cheaper came along. Now, "reviewers" unbox items and talk about the form of the product, the weight, how it feels in their hands and the sexiness of the design. (Yes, I've heard people use the word sexy) Current trends, and cache have begun to precede function and practicality in these matters. I'm not saying that I don't enjoy a litttle 'Gadget Pron' as G4 calls it. I just wonder what this means about our relationship with technology. Are we using technology to get to know each other and ourselves or are we actually beginning to have feelings for objects?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Thank Thick

Well, I think we've finally made it to the next bend on the winding road of body-type preferences. Glamorous A-list stars like Queen Latifah, Beyonce, Jennifer Hudson, Salma Hayak and the Kardashian girls have made the media notice the benefits of having voluptuous curves. There was a time that anyone without a wiry thin silhouette was quickly reminded of our obsession with abnormal, ultra-ideal/stylized body types. Now, a little thickness can be regarded as a sign of beauty, substance and empowerment. How did that happen? 
I think it could be a shift in the way that women consume images themselves. For years, there was a sense of shame attached to the growing rates of obesity in America. When reports recently surfaced exposing adolescent obesity rates and prevalence of child diabetes, the American family took notice. More and more people are tuning into shows like The Biggest Loser and other health oriented media offerings that question notions of  body image and eating habits. It's a classic case of media saturation and awareness. Talking about something loud and long enough and people will begin to act on it. Instead of just being body-crazy we're finally body-conscious. Looking at ourselves truthfully and being able to say this is healthier than that because of these reasons is smart and a skill that we're being forced to learn so that we can teach it to our obese, diabetic kids. Lesson learned. Thank you thickness.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Asian fashion designers are really getting their due. Since Michelle Obama rocked a few Jason Wu numbers and designers like Yohji Yamamoto, Thakoon and Issey Miyake are seeing a boost in interest. They certainly deserve it. In the past ten years or so, fashion capitals like Paris and Milan have had to relinquish power to budding centers of post modern culture like Beijing, Hong Kong, and of course, Tokyo. China's increase in wealth and economic strength brought on by America's steady downturn has opened up the floodgates for new sensibilities and aesthetics to gain in value throughout retail markets. In times gone by, America was the undisputed cultural hero, dispensing hip hop and hollywood to the world, now, America finds itself consuming visions and images of itself born elsewhere. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

American Idol quandry?

Is this show classified as a reality show, televised singing contest, game show? What is it exactly. I was sitting there watching the judges cut people for the top 36 and it seems so subjective and random. Do we really trust Randy, Paula, Simon and that new lady to choose who we should be into? I vote no. I vote no to this mystical, secretive, selection system people!

Monday, February 09, 2009

Feeling the Squeeeeze!!

I can't believe how much this recession is effecting me. Now, it may just be that I've somehow greatly overestimated my own earnings, but even so, the impact on my career alone has been jarring to say the least.  I've been transferred from a consumer pharma agency to a professional one. Although I certainly enjoy the challenge and have benefitted from learning new skills and the biology surrounding a whole new therapeutic category, I can't help but feel like a fish out of water at times. How can I make my mark and build on my past successes if I'm constantly moving from one venue to another, from one profession to another? It's all quite frustrating really.

Money has never been my forte. I've always believed that if you work hard and honestly, you should be able to make ends meet. Now, I'm looking for a second job. I don't know how to explain it.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Surprise Ending

So, I'm on the subway platform, waiting for the train, listening to one of Brandy's unreleased songs, Surprise Ending. A train that I don't want comes and the doors open. A young white woman rushes towards a door just as its closing and it closes in her face, startling her enough to make her drop her cell phone. I gasp, she gasps, and we stare in horror as it falls right into the crack between the train cars and the platform. The train speeds away. She and I stare in horror. She looks around for help, people gather and join us. We look down in horror. There it is, on the ground next to the tracks, but not the third track. So I just hop down, grab the phone, pass it up to her and then hop back onto the platform. She calls me a life-saver and I go back to listening to my music. Surprise. That's the end.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


What if I started a new monarchy? What if I could get people who are interested in a cultural experiment that explores what a modern day monarchy would feel like to meet up and hang out?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I've just arrived home from the inauguration of the 44th president of the United States of America.  I spent a few days in our capital, Washington D.C., going to parties and talking to people about this important moment in history. Now that I'm home, I feel very different about the various events that I was fortunate enough to have been able to be a participant. While riding home on the bus, I overheard a young American student say to another passenger, "...It's like America is cool again...". That sentiment, scares me a bit. After analyzing this new precedent from the angles of race, class, civil rights, immigration, age, etc., I wonder if political pundits, cultural theorists, and other academics will ponder the question of why now, and how do people, white and black, American and foreign, really see this moment, experience it and re-tell it?  Are we Americans just getting a "cooler" president, or are we getting this  "new era" that I'm already hearing about on the news? Why can we ask a black president to do things and create changes in a way that we've never demanded from other leaders?

Vendors on the street yell at me "HOPE, 5 dolllars!". I shudder. Blacks and whites over 40 introduced themselves to one another and began civil conversations in public. I smile. Barack gives a speech that nearly moves me to tears. I beam. I read that her considers his white speech writer "his mind-reader". I cringe. There is something here that has me puzzled. I know that I have issues with race. I grew up in a small town in the south, there is no question about how my family's experience of sharing social spaces white people has been. So why can't I just accept that America is finally embracing a person of color for who they are, and not what they imagine them to be?

I have every confidence that Barack's presidency will outperform anyone alive has seen come before it, I just whether or not we're witnessing the seeds of our hopes being sown or the fruits of our labor being harvested.