....slowly, but surely.....

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Kris Kuksi’s Recycled Toy Sculptures

Kris Kuksi is THE aesthetic truth for 2010, so say I.


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via INHABITAT by Ariel Schwartz on 11/19/09

sustainable design, green design, eco art, recycled toy sculptures, upcycling, kris kuksi, art, artist

The beautiful thing about upcycled materials is that the end results often bear no resemblance to the original items. Such is the case with sculptor Kris Kuksi's toy sculptures, which are constructed out of old toys, statues, and mechanical parts.

upcycling, kris kuksi, art, artist upcycling, kris kuksi, art, artist upcycling, kris kuksi, art, artist

Read the rest of Kris Kuksi's Recycled Toy Sculptures Will Scare the Kids

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