....slowly, but surely.....

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Surprise Ending

So, I'm on the subway platform, waiting for the train, listening to one of Brandy's unreleased songs, Surprise Ending. A train that I don't want comes and the doors open. A young white woman rushes towards a door just as its closing and it closes in her face, startling her enough to make her drop her cell phone. I gasp, she gasps, and we stare in horror as it falls right into the crack between the train cars and the platform. The train speeds away. She and I stare in horror. She looks around for help, people gather and join us. We look down in horror. There it is, on the ground next to the tracks, but not the third track. So I just hop down, grab the phone, pass it up to her and then hop back onto the platform. She calls me a life-saver and I go back to listening to my music. Surprise. That's the end.

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