....slowly, but surely.....

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Sophisticated Investors

I have a question.

How does one go about locating sophisticated investors? I'm sure it's a lot of schmoozing and this person knows that person, who slept with him, who is related to her cousine .... etc. Aspiring young entrepeneurs, like myself (HA!), must have a horrible time going through the whole pitching ideas to people process as well as the investor locating process. There must be some organization / company that specializes in doing just this. I think about Google, Apple and the other companies that started in garages or cubicles and have grown into national institutions, and wonder what helped them make that leap into the big pond.

Thinking back on my post regarding all the "brilliant" ideas that seem to plague my unworthy mind, it's clear to me now that the preventive force that restricts my productivity is resources. Who wouldn't love to quit their job and work on some project that's been sitting in the back of their mind and their friends mind's for years? It's that leap of faith directly into the arms of potential failure and devastation that separates the little girls from the women and the little boys from the men. HMMM...

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