....slowly, but surely.....

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


The new Betty Butterfield, cracks me up so fiercely! I even took the time to leave her a response, and I NEVER do that. It's funny cause one of my coworkers and I have adopted these horribly racist white trash voices to speak to each other when we're making fun of people or things. Thank you Betty!

I think it was the weekend before last that one of my good friends came up from DC and we hung out in the city. I'm not sure what kind of cosmic function / equation it is, but everytime I hang out with people I haven't seen in a while, we end up going on this neverending story type adventure that is so completely different from what I usually encounter socially, that I can barely believe its happening. So there's another useless thing for me to ponder.

The gym thing is working out really really well. I've added some new workouts to my 'routine' (sad, I know) and I'm really starting to challenge myself with the weights that i'm lifting and the effort that I put into each session. Go me. On the other hand, I have been a bit remiss in my plan to upgrade the decoration / furnishing in my apartment. Whether it's time, funds, energy, or motivation, i simply don't know. So that has to be corrected as soon as possible.

Stay tuned for more pics of me, links to videos, and now audioblogs that won't make much sense to people other than my close friends who have tuned their ears to my snippets of sanity.

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