....slowly, but surely.....

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Back Again

I haven't posted in a few days, and there was something that I wanted to say, but I can't remember what it was....
I'm still writing, but now i'm interested in finding something good to read. My bookshelves have taken a hit recently and look bare. I'll buy more books as soon as I get a chance and the coinage.

Those pictures that I took with my friends still haven't sufaced yet. So I recently just bought two little disposable cameras and snapped some shots of myself to post later. Hopefully they don't look too contrived and poorly executed!

On a more personal note, I had the most satisfying conversation with my mother the other day. We talked about politics, music, all kinds of things. She's coming to visit along with my brothers and my brother's girlfriend. Can you say 'tailored view of Nate's life in NYC!' But besides that, she really impressed with her impressions of myself and my brothers. She really listens to us when we talk and even after not living in the same city for 6 years, she still has a pretty good hold on what kind of person I am. Congratulations Mother, you've just earned even more respect from you own son, not an easy task in this day and age.

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