....slowly, but surely.....

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Some Progress

Even though I still haven't received the photos from my short vacation with my best friend, I put two disposable cameras in to be processed today. So those pics should be posted within the week. I'm looking forward to seeing if they're even post worthy or not.

My ever so frequent visits to the gym are becoming a little too methodical. It's becoming to easy, so I'm going to have to switch up my routine a little to make it more interesting for my body and for my development. It's time for me to target those "hard to reach areas and start working on shape and definition instead of just general mass. My employer has purchased 3 sessions of personal training, but NYSC hasn't contacted me yet about rescheduling my sessions.

Personally, I think that the trainers at my particular gym are uncomfortable training me and have conveniently forgotten to call me. I'm going to have to do something soon, before I forget what I want to do.

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