....slowly, but surely.....

Thursday, September 28, 2006


Did you know that if you neglect to fullfil your duty as a citizen of the USA, you could be fined or jailed? It's good information to know. It's also why I will waking up spry to report for jury duty on Jay Street in Brooklyn Thursday morning! As a person who has already been labled "previously absent", it's a good idea for me to show my face this time.

It's really going to bug me that I haven't found and downloaded Brandy's unreleased track The Jones. Of course it's unbelievably hot and pertinent to my life right now, so I'm not going to stop until I have it on my ipod.

So, we'll see what's good with this juror thing. I'll try and do an audiopost from the courthouse. A mess!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


The new Betty Butterfield, cracks me up so fiercely! I even took the time to leave her a response, and I NEVER do that. It's funny cause one of my coworkers and I have adopted these horribly racist white trash voices to speak to each other when we're making fun of people or things. Thank you Betty!

I think it was the weekend before last that one of my good friends came up from DC and we hung out in the city. I'm not sure what kind of cosmic function / equation it is, but everytime I hang out with people I haven't seen in a while, we end up going on this neverending story type adventure that is so completely different from what I usually encounter socially, that I can barely believe its happening. So there's another useless thing for me to ponder.

The gym thing is working out really really well. I've added some new workouts to my 'routine' (sad, I know) and I'm really starting to challenge myself with the weights that i'm lifting and the effort that I put into each session. Go me. On the other hand, I have been a bit remiss in my plan to upgrade the decoration / furnishing in my apartment. Whether it's time, funds, energy, or motivation, i simply don't know. So that has to be corrected as soon as possible.

Stay tuned for more pics of me, links to videos, and now audioblogs that won't make much sense to people other than my close friends who have tuned their ears to my snippets of sanity.

Monday, September 25, 2006


I found a gift from God today online. It's an unreleased song from Brandy called
  • The Jones

  • Also there are two new Betty Butterfield clips on you tube that are a must see!

    I feel really motivated today. There's a postive energy or something going around that I've latched onto. Who knows how long it will last so I'll just be hopeful and leave it at that.

    Oh, I'm reading the Bible again. That may have something to do with the positive energy. It's difficult to read but it's important for me to stay connected to God's word in some form or fashion to keep me grounded and mentally stable. For real!

    Saturday, September 23, 2006

    La Dee Dah

    Things are moving along in the land of Nate. Yesterday I did some sketching and cut some patterns for a new v-neck tshirt. It still needs a lot of work, but it was good to get on the sewing machine again and just have fun. Now that my body is finally starting to move in the direction I've been coaxing it for the past few months, i've been inspired to work on the tshirt line idea.

    That's right, I've been inspired by my own body. It doesn't sound too kosher, but its a good thing. Who doesn't want to feel better about the way they look?

    Oh. Doyle NY sent me some auction information and I'm seriously considering going to an auction soon. It's about time I show my face in 'high society' again. Doyle has a very good reputation, and an excellent respect for their clients / customers. I'm horrible with my money, so why not sink some of it into a collection of random crap from a reputable auction house?

    Saturday, September 16, 2006

    Trying to be cute...

      Posted by Picasa

    Chest Pain

    I've been having this really odd chest pain. At first I thought it was some sort of internal muscle pull, but now I've noticed that it hurts when I swallow. So, it must be something with my esophagus right?

    I'll call the doctor and ask him about it next week. Prayerfully it will just heal on it's own without me having to go into the doctor's office.

    On a lighter note. I had a chance to hang out with my good friend Adam last night in the city and we had a lovely time.

    Thursday, September 14, 2006

    There they are!


    Here is a little sample of some of the photo's I finally picked up today. I'm glad to finally have something to blog other than my lame musings. Now I can assault your senses with my even lamer sense of self-worth and style aesthetic!
    Check out more at http://www.flickr.com/photos/snizatch Posted by Picasa

    Tuesday, September 12, 2006

    Some Progress

    Even though I still haven't received the photos from my short vacation with my best friend, I put two disposable cameras in to be processed today. So those pics should be posted within the week. I'm looking forward to seeing if they're even post worthy or not.

    My ever so frequent visits to the gym are becoming a little too methodical. It's becoming to easy, so I'm going to have to switch up my routine a little to make it more interesting for my body and for my development. It's time for me to target those "hard to reach areas and start working on shape and definition instead of just general mass. My employer has purchased 3 sessions of personal training, but NYSC hasn't contacted me yet about rescheduling my sessions.

    Personally, I think that the trainers at my particular gym are uncomfortable training me and have conveniently forgotten to call me. I'm going to have to do something soon, before I forget what I want to do.

    Saturday, September 09, 2006

    Fat Day

    I broke down and had a fat day today. No gym, lots of comfort foods. Peaches, guacamole nachos, jack cheese and chicken quasedilla. OOOMMM YES! I felt a lot better after eating these things and recuperating from feeling ill.

    So I have to be extra careful this upcoming week. Sometimes I think its good to treat yourself to remind yourself of what you're missing and why you're missing it, but that's just me. I have an excuse for everything.

    I'm really having a hard time finding things to write about when my life is slow, like it is now. I don't want to air all of my dirty laundry. Not all at once anyways!

    Thursday, September 07, 2006

    Sophisticated Investors

    I have a question.

    How does one go about locating sophisticated investors? I'm sure it's a lot of schmoozing and this person knows that person, who slept with him, who is related to her cousine .... etc. Aspiring young entrepeneurs, like myself (HA!), must have a horrible time going through the whole pitching ideas to people process as well as the investor locating process. There must be some organization / company that specializes in doing just this. I think about Google, Apple and the other companies that started in garages or cubicles and have grown into national institutions, and wonder what helped them make that leap into the big pond.

    Thinking back on my post regarding all the "brilliant" ideas that seem to plague my unworthy mind, it's clear to me now that the preventive force that restricts my productivity is resources. Who wouldn't love to quit their job and work on some project that's been sitting in the back of their mind and their friends mind's for years? It's that leap of faith directly into the arms of potential failure and devastation that separates the little girls from the women and the little boys from the men. HMMM...

    Sunday, September 03, 2006

    Back Again

    I haven't posted in a few days, and there was something that I wanted to say, but I can't remember what it was....
    I'm still writing, but now i'm interested in finding something good to read. My bookshelves have taken a hit recently and look bare. I'll buy more books as soon as I get a chance and the coinage.

    Those pictures that I took with my friends still haven't sufaced yet. So I recently just bought two little disposable cameras and snapped some shots of myself to post later. Hopefully they don't look too contrived and poorly executed!

    On a more personal note, I had the most satisfying conversation with my mother the other day. We talked about politics, music, all kinds of things. She's coming to visit along with my brothers and my brother's girlfriend. Can you say 'tailored view of Nate's life in NYC!' But besides that, she really impressed with her impressions of myself and my brothers. She really listens to us when we talk and even after not living in the same city for 6 years, she still has a pretty good hold on what kind of person I am. Congratulations Mother, you've just earned even more respect from you own son, not an easy task in this day and age.