....slowly, but surely.....

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

We're ready. Even if you're not.

First I want whoever sees this to watch this short clip and listen very closely.

Now. Let me give you the background for this post. I just finished watching a B. Scott video that talked about not trying to convince people all the time. There is no need when you know what you want and try and surround yourself with people who do the same. Recently, my friends and I were in the car, coming back home after a trip to Martha's Vineyard and we were listening to music. So, of course, Brandy comes up, cause I'm in the car, and they proceed to give it to me about her career, and what it lacks and doesn't lack and all that. I then retaliated with a barrage of accomplishments and perfectly logical reasons why they were uneducated trend puppets who didn't know what they were talking about. I know now, that all of that was unnecessary. No more tirades or rants. Just the facts. If you can't understand why I love her so much, then google her, do your own research. Listen to the old stuff, listen to the new stuff. Learn something about harmonizing and how music is actually recorded. And if after that, you still don't get it, or think I'm just some stupid fan. Then fine. Maybe she's just not your cup of tea. Even if you're not convinced. I am. That is all that matters to Nathanael LyCurtis Holley.

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