....slowly, but surely.....

Sunday, August 03, 2008

The return of the red-eyed.

I'm back in New York. My vacation on Martha's Vineyard was a complete success, and I truly feel better equipped to make the moves I've planned for the rest of the year. Figuratively and literally.

My only gripe, (you know I have one), is that things always seem to happen when you're away and not prepared for it. During my vacation, my bank account was having all kinds of snafu's that I just can't afford, one of my friends had a run in with the Secret Service, and the organization I used to work for was audited by the CDC. As much as I like to think that I kick my heels up with the best of them, I couldn't help but feel that I wasn't responding to these things properly. If I had been in New York there would be people I could talk to, paperwork I could complete etc. Out in the Atlantic, I was socially adrift. But that's the cost of true relaxation I suppose. Somethings got to give... right?

However, thank God for paid time off. I'm glad to be back though.

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