....slowly, but surely.....

Saturday, August 09, 2008

The olympics have officially begun, so i thought a little social commentary on China was in order. This huge sticker can be seen all around my neighborhood. It suggests that America itself is being made in China.


Anonymous said...

i'm also into those things. care to give some advice?

Anonymous said...

We should have a great day today.

Anonymous said...

Baw, kasagad-sagad sa iya ubra blog!

Anonymous said...

that's really cute..wish i had one too.

Anonymous said...

This topic have a tendency to become boring but with your creativeness its great.

Thaddeus Gunn said...

Hiya. I'm wandering around checking out the blogs of other other copywriters like myself. I wanted to find out what copywriters write when they're not writing copy.

For the sake of introduction, here's my professional life in a nutshell: 20 years in copywriting; currently Senior Copywriter for MRM Worldwide (McCann-Erickson), Seattle. Private life: I write. I hike. I blog: www.deargregory.com.

And I lived for a long time in Seattle's Chinatown, which ironically was host to many, many anti-China protests...by Chinese folk.