....slowly, but surely.....

Friday, August 29, 2008

If it aint Barack....

So. In an attempt to jump back into the fray with the other bloggers around the world who are actually paying attention to what's going on in the world, I watched Obama's DNC acceptance speech tonight. And in another attempt to stand out amongst all the other liberal leaning bloggers of color worldwide, I'm going to dedicate this post to what I believe are mistakes he made in his speech. It would be an understatement to say that inspirational, emotionally charged and often times educational public talks are par for Obama's political course. If anything at all besides his more obvious differences from his opponent has intensified the media coverage of this election, it has been his seemingly innate ability to move the masses with his words. Consistently.

Democrats need a wee bit of a wake up call. (In my oh so valuable opinion) The honeymoon with our candidate is over, and now we need to get down to brass tacks to clinch a victory. (Finally)

1. Barack made the mistake of being vague about fiscal policy. I know that most people (including me probably) will not understand a whole lot of number crunching tossed at them from a podium. However, we do need some particulars on how your ideas add up in the real world.

2. This speech may have been a bit short. I don't know what the usual criteria is for this kind of thing, but if you're in the company of your own supporters, why not give them what they want? Spend a little time pandering to your base to let them know you haven't forgotten them. Hilary and McCain, would never make this kind of oversight. But then again... that may be part of his plan to distance himself from "traditional" politics. Hmmm, tough one.

3. Background, Set-up, and more Background. What have you done for me lately? There was a little bit about his accomplishments as a Senator included in the speech, but not enough. I wanted to be WOWed. I want my jaw to drop in awe and amazement at the many things Barack has already done to improve the lives of the citizens of this nation. Ideology is wonderful, and Barack has certainly saturated the airwaves with some of the best political, cultural and social ideology since, well, John F. Kennedy. Having said all of this, there does seem to be a bit of a lack of hardcore facts that he uses to beat his opponent about the head with in a "whose service is bigger contest?" Perhaps he's saving all of this for November?

Well. That's it. I can't think of anything else negative to say. So... in an attempt to end this post on a positive note, I will say this. Good Luck Obama, and God Bless the choice that America will make in this upcoming Presidential election.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Fighting in the Dark


Since some people finally commented on my social commentary, then I guess I should take the content of this blog in that direction. (** one salty tear at the realization that no one's interested in stories about me and my shenanigans, regardless of the level of hilarity **)

So, recently I worked on a radio program encouraging African-Americans to take advantages of the strides we've made in HIV treatment. It's currently still in testing and I haven't heard any official word as to it's effectiveness. But, for the sake of my community and it's health, I hope that the message reaches as many ears and minds as it can. How can I do all I can to make this come to fruition? I'll post it here on my blog and see what happens.


Nearly 50% of new HIV patients are African-American.


There is nothing we can do about it.

BMAT8026 - Euro

The olympics have officially begun, so i thought a little social commentary on China was in order. This huge sticker can be seen all around my neighborhood. It suggests that America itself is being made in China.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

More Evidence. "Fall" by Brandy

Fall - Brandy

We're ready. Even if you're not.

First I want whoever sees this to watch this short clip and listen very closely.

Now. Let me give you the background for this post. I just finished watching a B. Scott video that talked about not trying to convince people all the time. There is no need when you know what you want and try and surround yourself with people who do the same. Recently, my friends and I were in the car, coming back home after a trip to Martha's Vineyard and we were listening to music. So, of course, Brandy comes up, cause I'm in the car, and they proceed to give it to me about her career, and what it lacks and doesn't lack and all that. I then retaliated with a barrage of accomplishments and perfectly logical reasons why they were uneducated trend puppets who didn't know what they were talking about. I know now, that all of that was unnecessary. No more tirades or rants. Just the facts. If you can't understand why I love her so much, then google her, do your own research. Listen to the old stuff, listen to the new stuff. Learn something about harmonizing and how music is actually recorded. And if after that, you still don't get it, or think I'm just some stupid fan. Then fine. Maybe she's just not your cup of tea. Even if you're not convinced. I am. That is all that matters to Nathanael LyCurtis Holley.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

The return of the red-eyed.

I'm back in New York. My vacation on Martha's Vineyard was a complete success, and I truly feel better equipped to make the moves I've planned for the rest of the year. Figuratively and literally.

My only gripe, (you know I have one), is that things always seem to happen when you're away and not prepared for it. During my vacation, my bank account was having all kinds of snafu's that I just can't afford, one of my friends had a run in with the Secret Service, and the organization I used to work for was audited by the CDC. As much as I like to think that I kick my heels up with the best of them, I couldn't help but feel that I wasn't responding to these things properly. If I had been in New York there would be people I could talk to, paperwork I could complete etc. Out in the Atlantic, I was socially adrift. But that's the cost of true relaxation I suppose. Somethings got to give... right?

However, thank God for paid time off. I'm glad to be back though.

serious napping takes a dedicated mind and a lot of booze.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

dinner time for the black men waiting for seafood. carefree stomachs full.

my last day at the beach. its hard to say goodbye to sanity. sigh.