....slowly, but surely.....

Monday, March 17, 2008

A little assistance please.

Self-improvement and self-awareness. Two things that I set out to do some work on when I first began this blog. They seem to be going fairly well without much input from outside of myself, thank God. But now, I'm going to have to ask for a little help from anyone out there who seems so inclined.

I'm working on another assignment for school and even though I've had an extra week to mull it over, distinct and conclusive progress still alludes me. The job at hand is as follows: create an ad that introduces and advocates the consumption of bison meat, aka the north American buffalo, and create an ad that sells lingerie from Victoria Secret.
Vary random. I know. I've done the research, even begun some preliminary brainstorming, yet, I can't quite seem to get to a place in my head that's truly visionary and exhibits these two things in ways that a normal sane human being would never think to.

I think I need a push in the right direction. Leave a comment and let me know what would move you to take another look at titties and buffalo meat.

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