....slowly, but surely.....

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Guilty Feeling


I skipped church today and I feel pretty bad about it. I've had a little cough lately and it isn't bad enough to use as an excuse by any means, so I'm not even going to try to. I spent the day relaxing at first and now I'm going to try and get some work done by doing some writing, working on my portfolio, etc. My usual exercises. I'm also going to do some bible study to make up for the missed service today.

Here's more bad news. I've missed hosting my Skypecast twice now and I'm beginning to see why all of these interesting ideas of mine seem to burn bright but fade fast. My follow-through is just embarrassing. This whole beginning of the year has been an exercise in trying to regain ground that I had claimed for myself months ago. Have I learned my lesson yet? Who knows.

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