....slowly, but surely.....

Sunday, March 30, 2008

i heart the netflix. come back to me dvd. fill my eyes with light.

Ocular Oppulence

New glasses! I'm very fortunate to have purchase new glasses recently. I really needed them. Even though I've known that I could drastically improve my sight with corrective lenses for the past 15 or so years, I've only now really felt brave enough to stop making excuses and make glasses a part of my life.

I've certainly had them before, but it almost always ended in failure before. Broken, lost, forgotten. Again and again. I think I had some sort of phobia against them and what they did to my "image". In the first few days of having the two pairs of glasses I own now, I've already left one pair at a friends job, safely on his desk and not on my face. I say to myself, I'm just going to take them off for a little while so they won't get broken, or so my eyes can rest, but I always misplace them. It will take some time for me to get used to wearing them, but I'm confident that after a while it will be just another part of my daily routine.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

i just had a really good meeting with the pastor of williamsburg church. i'm very gratefull for the chance to start going to church again. i also almost bought some art this past weekend at this gallery. why aren't i doing more art stuff? i have such a great opportunity to live in a city full of such things.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

When I'm not looking

The best ideas come to you when you're not trying to come up with them. The very unnecessary and unexpected trains of thought that you humor and allow to continue to build up steam in your mind are the ones that most often strike a mountain stuffed with gold. However, as I'm learning from one of my professors now, it's always good to do a little research first before riding on one of these trains. If you don't have the foggiest idea what you're doing or where you would like to go, your trains could get mixed up on the wrong track and crash into each other or become derailed altogether.

If you can't tell, I've made a little progress on my SVA project today and I'm really stoked about it.

Monday, March 17, 2008

A little assistance please.

Self-improvement and self-awareness. Two things that I set out to do some work on when I first began this blog. They seem to be going fairly well without much input from outside of myself, thank God. But now, I'm going to have to ask for a little help from anyone out there who seems so inclined.

I'm working on another assignment for school and even though I've had an extra week to mull it over, distinct and conclusive progress still alludes me. The job at hand is as follows: create an ad that introduces and advocates the consumption of bison meat, aka the north American buffalo, and create an ad that sells lingerie from Victoria Secret.
Vary random. I know. I've done the research, even begun some preliminary brainstorming, yet, I can't quite seem to get to a place in my head that's truly visionary and exhibits these two things in ways that a normal sane human being would never think to.

I think I need a push in the right direction. Leave a comment and let me know what would move you to take another look at titties and buffalo meat.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Guilty Feeling


I skipped church today and I feel pretty bad about it. I've had a little cough lately and it isn't bad enough to use as an excuse by any means, so I'm not even going to try to. I spent the day relaxing at first and now I'm going to try and get some work done by doing some writing, working on my portfolio, etc. My usual exercises. I'm also going to do some bible study to make up for the missed service today.

Here's more bad news. I've missed hosting my Skypecast twice now and I'm beginning to see why all of these interesting ideas of mine seem to burn bright but fade fast. My follow-through is just embarrassing. This whole beginning of the year has been an exercise in trying to regain ground that I had claimed for myself months ago. Have I learned my lesson yet? Who knows.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

A kind of Stardom

Yesterday I went to a karaoke bar with a group of people from work. My initial thoughts were that this would be a good way to meet some of the people that work in my office, network, forge some new professional relationships and such, but that was before the sake arrived. We had a total blast. All self consciousness and discomfort went out the door after the first few songs. I actually enjoyed acting like a complete idiot in front of my peers.

There must be something about music that just puts people at ease. It helps them to let there guard down and see things differently. Even when there was a genre of music or artist playing that I wasn't particularly fond of, watching others get excited and put their all into the feeling of the song was very entertaining and educational. How can you not learn something about someone by the way they scream and gyrate to a set of lyrics and melody that you've never even heard before. At the end of the night, we all made sure to make an appointment to do it all over again at the end of the month, without any hesitation.