....slowly, but surely.....

Sunday, March 25, 2007

You are not Alone

This weekend I've been fortunate enough to spend time with nine friends over the course of two days.

As long as I've lived in this city, I don't think I've ever, "done" it the way I did it this weekend (which isn't even over yet). Having the right people to go to places with and enjoy all that the city has to offer with makes being here all the more enjoyable.

I really feel as though I've received the most bang for my buck this weekend, and I have my friends to thank for that.

I've always been a firm believer that people make an experience and not places or things. This weekend has been further proof of that. In response to this new appreciation I have for bringing as many of my friends and associates together as possible for events, I plan to be much more aware of who is around me and the reasons why I chose to spend time with certain people.

Friday, March 16, 2007


So winter is slowly easing its icy grip on the city. My respiratory system and sinus cavities rejoice!

I had planned on making a short visit to DC for a birthday party and to see friends, but lack of funds at the moment has forced me to postpone it until next week. I don't mind not being extraordinarily rich, but it would be nice to have enough money to do things the way I wanted to do them and when I wanted to do them. Whatever

Does anyone else come home from the club or a night out on the town and find a scratch or a bruise on themselves? It is such a mystery to me. I came home the other night from going out with friends, and there was a thin scratch on my face that has healed but has left me with the deeper scar of having experienced this numerous times without any clue to how or why it has happened? I couldn't be getting that drunk? Right?


So, I have this unsettling habit that I'm trying to break. I've tried to replace it with another activity and that worked for a while, but now I've gone back to the original behavior. Even though this behavior may sometimes keep me from doing something much worse, I still want to have better control over myself and know that I'm not compulsively acting out... its interesting and scary and annoying all at once.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Light at the end of the tunnel?

Will this winter never end? I can't believe how cold its getting here in NY. I thought we had gone through the worst of it in February. I feel trapped in my apartment. I can't go to the gym or visit with my friends uptown because in a few moments out in the elements makes me feel like I'm putting my health at risk. Even when bundled up, my fingers freeze up and tingle, my nose hardens, my breathing slows, my ears all but fall off, its not cute.

DC better be at least ten degrees warmer when I attempt a visit in a week or so.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

Today, one of my friends called me and told me that he was in the hospital. I hate when people do that. They wait until there is nothing that you can do, and then spring something on you that may call for you to help out in some way. It's very passive aggressive. But, I wish him well and will be checking up on him later on in the week.

I forgot to call another one of my friends on his birthday and now its too early in the morning to do it today, so he and I will have to wait a bit longer to exchange pleasantries over the phone.

Pictures, I need go get a camera and take more pictures of myself and my surroundings. I've been going places and doing things, and I have no evidence of it all besides my own faltering memories. Sad

So, the summer diet has started today and my body is beginning to forgive me for the evils I've inflicted upon it during the frosty months of winter. No more blubber luvin', it's all about skin, muscle and bone now.

OK Things to do SOON!

Spring cleaning!