....slowly, but surely.....

Sunday, February 18, 2007

The House that ---------- Built!

So... I think i'm joining a house. Since I have moved to New York and been working as a service provider in the HIV prevention field, I've come in contact with a lot of different populations, subcultures, scenes etc. One of these groups of people has come to inhabit quite a bit of my heart. The House Ball community is exploding with talent, energy, creativity, fun and excitement. Who wouldn't want to be a part of it all?

While working with members of the House Ball community at my agency and providing services for the community through the agency's programming, I have met some wonderful people who see the same potential for growth, experimentation and development that I do. It doesn't surprise me at all though. One of the first things that a good friend of mine said to me before I started working more heavily within the House Ball community was, "... Don't get caught up in their world...". But even then, we both knew it was too late and that my personality wouldn't allow me to see such wonders and walk away uninterested.

It all fits together in many ways; how I've been working on my music and meeting artists that have asked me to represent them and guide them, my own personal dilly-dallying in entertainment at college and here in NY. Now, with the contacts and structure that being in on the ground floor of a groundbreaking new house will bring, all of those experiences and projects can learn from each other and enhance my total body of work.


Monday, February 12, 2007

More Sinus trouble

I think going to Jersey the other day and being out in the cold for too long gave me some sinus trouble. Just like when I went to Boston. When will I ever learn.

So...I finally started cleaning up the apt. today. It wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be! I just have to get into a schedule.

The Grammy's were very interesting. I didn't see it from the beginning, but from what I did see, they seem to have taken all of the fun and excitement out of the actual presentation of the award. Way too often, the viewer finds them selves enjoying a fairly solid performance from an artist or band, and directly afterwards, witness the same act receiving an award. Now I know it's customary to have the most favored artists of the moment perform their most recent hit at events, but come on.

I want to be surprised. I would rather have the Grammy's be more adventurous and enlightening by taking the viewer on a tour of less popular but just as valuable recording endeavors National Geographic style, than feel like I'm watching a souped-up TRL!

But thats just me. However and Yet!, I was pleasantly surprised at the amount of homage and recognition that was paid to groundbreaking artists who are no longer with us and legendary performers who still are. That was well done and well deserved.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Practicing with a Cold

I plan to start getting my poems, songs, random musings, etc together to record a very short demo in the near future. In preparation for this, I've been working out the chops lately just to let them know what is to be expected of them later on.

Its messy. I have a cold right now that's really been reeking havoc on my singing voice and my speaking voice as well. Post a comment and let me know what you think...

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Gab Boy

Gabcast! Snizatch Blog #3

New Pic, Old Tric

So, here's another sepia toned pic of me. Trust me, i look a lot better in sepia.
I met with an old friend today at starbucks and caught up. Although he's not really an old friend, I call him that cause I can see our relationship very quickly becoming that of two people of have known each other for some time. We speak very frankly and directly to each other and there are few people in my life who I can really do that with. As time marches on, I find myself speaking to these few people more than any of the other people I come in contact with.

Get this though, I actually chose to stay at home and catch up on some personal work rather than go out with two buddies tonight. Drinking and acting like I've been "let out of a cage" (as my grandmother so vividly describes it) were once a source of pride for me. Now, my actions, whether wild or respectful, are all performed with a sense of sincerety and purpose that befuddles even me. Who knew that letting loose could be done with as much purpose as holding back!?

Friday, February 02, 2007


Just got back from Boston, and so glad of it. I had a good time and all, but who wants to be on the road more than one week at a time? Not I, said the little black boy. It's good to be back in New York, and to celebrate, I've already schelduled some crazy time with the usual suspects.