....slowly, but surely.....

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Not so perfect Day

I had one of those days today. Where you look around at the unforgivable mess that is your life and say I give up. Whatever all of you F#@!^&G people want from me, you can have it. Today, I was very Cartman "...Screw you guys...I'm going home..."

Here's the thing: I work for a non-profit contractor that works directly under a very large government institution (that shall remain nameless) Needless to say, there is always a great deal of beaurocracy involved in all of my reporting to said institution, but today I just couldn't deal with it. I had tissues and issues. Then, I realized that life will go on whether or not all of my i's are crossed and my t's dotted so long as I stay true to my own personal goals and mission to give to the community i've unofficially pledged to serve by working in the non-profit sector. Look, is that a bird singing in that tree? is there a rainbow arching accross the cotton flecked sky? No, its probably a pigeon being attacked by a rat in gutter and a skittles billboard.... but thats ok cause I know what's really important about today, the fact that I've made it through!

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