....slowly, but surely.....

Wednesday, March 03, 2010


The usefulness of this kind of project cannot be understated. The kids learn about sustainable building, the local government saves money, etc. I believe that green design not only reinforces environmentaly sound progress and advancement, it the promotes simple yet rare values such as beauty and ease-of-use that sometimes get lost in commercial and municipal planning.


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via INHABITAT by Beth Shea on 3/2/10

ann aeringer,  earth architecture,  eco kids,  eco-friendly school,  erik roswag,  green design,  green kids,  green school,  hand-built school,  hand-made school,  meti,  meti school,  meti school in bangledesh

The METI school in Rudrapur Dinajpu, Bangledesh teaches the invaluable lesson of green design through its very earthen structure. Architects Anna Heringer and Eike Roswag directed a team of local parents, teachers, school children and craftsman in building the primary school by hand using raw materials including bamboo, straw, jute rope and the ancient building material cob (a layered mixture of wet earth, rice, straw and jute). Completed in just four months time, the collaborative effort has created a meaningful environment wherein rural children may pave a more fruitful future for themselves by receiving an education.


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