....slowly, but surely.....

Monday, October 16, 2006

Work Brandy!

First, before I go off and how creative and amazing my girl Brandy is, I need to apologize for not posting as much as I should have. I keep forgetting that I can do audio posts and I've been away on business for a few days. However, I promise that I will do an audiopost from Rochester (aka Ro cha cha) when I go up there for a training on the 23rd.

Now, I love Brandy! You really have to get into her song that was leaked on You Tube called
  • The Jones'
  • , as well as the other song that was leaked on
  • Concrete Loop

  • She has had such a respectable yet tenacious career and body of work. From being a Cover Girl to her own TV Show, movies, grammy award, etc. I really love her flavor. Anyways, I think people are making the mistake of taking her quiet reflection and calm resolve for weakness and being safe. Look again!

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