....slowly, but surely.....

Saturday, October 07, 2006


I'm not usually a flaky person, but I did something flaky yesterday. I agreed to help one of my friends / coworker with his production for the Evisu Ball he plans to walk tomorrow. Another friend / ex-coworker invited me to go to the movies with him and some other people. While shopping in Manhattan, I just felt tired and overwhelmed and skipped the rehearsal for the production.

I was slated to be an arm holding a burning torch out the side of a roving circus caravan. And in all honesty, I believe that I'm talented enough to do this without any rehearsal whatsoever! Yet, I know that the person who I agreed to do this for is a stickler for details and has every right to be picky with his art. I know I am! After leaving him messages today I feel a little bit better, but I won't know the extent of his wrath until I talk to him.

2007 has got to be the turning point for me. I feel like I'm standing at that crossroads again. That point where you know and everyone else around you knows that there is no way you can keep going straight ahead, there's no more road. Somethings go to give. I think it's going to be my dedication to public health and community based organizing. My money is on grad school and me going completely estabishment!

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