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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Study Finds that Nanoparticles Loaded with Bee Venom Can Kill HIV



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via INHABITAT by Mark Boyer on 3/11/13

Bee, honeybee, yellow jacket, bee sting, bee venom, bee pollenPhoto via Shutterstock

A cure for HIV has eluded scientists since the virus was first discovered in the early 1980s, but researchers at Washington University believe that bee venom could provide a successful treatment. The venom that bees carry contains a toxin called melittin that can penetrate the protective envelope surrounding HIV. The team used nanoparticles carrying melittin to successfully destroy HIV without harming nearby cells, which represents a potentially huge breakthrough in the ongoing effort to find a cure.

Bee, honeybee, yellow jacket, bee sting, bee venom, bee pollen HIV rendering, HIV virus, HIV, AIDS, virus, HIV cell, HIV particles

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