....slowly, but surely.....

Thursday, March 28, 2013

NPO Reflection Project: Cigarette Butts

Whatever it takes.


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Advertising Agency: Grey, Tokyo, Japan
Associate Creative Director/Copywriter: Kei Oki
Senior Art Director: Takeshi Iwamoto
Director: David Shoichi Haruyama
Senior Production Producer: Makoto Kude
Assistant Production Producer: Yusuke Kashiwag


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Friday, March 22, 2013

Hard Hitters: Bill Gates & Aaron Simpson

I wonder what will become of this idea.


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Hard Hitters: Bill Gates & Aaron Simpson

Technology mogul, Bill Gates has a YouTube channel called The Gates Notes. He released this video, "The Science Behind Plant-Based Proteins" recently which rationally and concisely showcases the potential for plant-based proteins as the optimal, sustainable future of food. Meat consumption worldwide has doubled in the last 20 years, and it is expected to double [...]


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Thursday, March 21, 2013

New Underwater Reefs and Landscapes Made of Paper by Amy Eisenfeld Genser

This is extraodinary. I wonder if it uses recycled paper?


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via Colossal by Christopher Jobson on 3/21/13

New Underwater Reefs and Landscapes Made of Paper by Amy Eisenfeld Genser sculpture paper ocean coral

New Underwater Reefs and Landscapes Made of Paper by Amy Eisenfeld Genser sculpture paper ocean coral

New Underwater Reefs and Landscapes Made of Paper by Amy Eisenfeld Genser sculpture paper ocean coral

New Underwater Reefs and Landscapes Made of Paper by Amy Eisenfeld Genser sculpture paper ocean coral

New Underwater Reefs and Landscapes Made of Paper by Amy Eisenfeld Genser sculpture paper ocean coral

New Underwater Reefs and Landscapes Made of Paper by Amy Eisenfeld Genser sculpture paper ocean coral

New Underwater Reefs and Landscapes Made of Paper by Amy Eisenfeld Genser sculpture paper ocean coral

New Underwater Reefs and Landscapes Made of Paper by Amy Eisenfeld Genser sculpture paper ocean coral

Connecticut-based artist Amy Eisenfeld Genser (previously) recently completed a new series of coral reefs that she painstakingly recreates using rolled bits of paper and acrylic paint. Ahead of her upcoming exhibition at the Architectural Digest Home Show, Genser sat down with All Things Paper for a brief interview. An excerpt on her process:

These days I usually work with Thai Unryu [mulberry paper], but I have hundreds of papers in my studio from all around the world. I treat the paper almost as a pigment, layering colors one on top of the other to create different colors. My pieces are about a foot wide. Then I roll one layer on top of the other in all different thicknesses. I seal the roll with acid-free, archival glue stick, and then cut the long piece into sections with scissors or pruning shears. I have pruning shears of all different sizes to accommodate different widths.

See and learn more over on All Things Paper.


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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Wiki Weapon firm launches 3D printing Pirate Bay

The black-market digital information age has begun.


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via Dezeen by Rose Etherington on 3/13/13

Wiki Weapon firm launches Defcad 3D printing Pirate Bay

News: the US group that developed open-source 3D-printed gun parts has launched a file-sharing website for blueprints to 3D-printed illicit items including weapons, drugs and medical equipment. (more...)


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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Why You Should Be Watching Nigeria’s ‘Gidi Up’

I haven't seen it yet, but I want to give it a try.


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via Okayafrica. by Maryam Kazeem on 3/11/13

Gidi Up Nigeria

Ndani TV's newest web series "Gidi Up" tells the story of four friends living in Lagos in pursuit of success in their professional and personal lives. The show is somewhat reminiscent of "Shuga" as a depiction of young adults and their trials and tribulations and warrants a viewing for 3 reasons:

  1. Quality: The production quality of this show is amazing. The cinematography depicts a visually beautiful Lagos, which we don't see enough. The editing is excellent, showcasing that in spite of popular conceptions (somewhat emphasized by a lot of Nollywood films), Nigerians know how to make good quality productions.
  2. Honesty: As many have expressed, the first episode of "Gidi Up" seems pretty shallow, but now that we're 3 episodes in, it's clear that the series is not going to gloss over the crass decisions young people can make. Yvonne's storyline (the fashion designer) is particularly indicative of this.
  3. Experimental: We love, love, love that the series highlights young Nigerians pursuing careers that aren't the typical professions: banker, engineer, doctor. Rather we get to watch young creatives pursuing their unconventional and artistic careers and it definitely adds an extra layer to the show.

The 'gidi' in "Gidi Up" refers to the popular term "Las Gidi" meaning the "real Lagos" and we have to say that from what we've seen so far, the show is staying true to its name. Check out episodes 1-3 below and stay tuned for episode 4 coming March 20th!



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Study Finds that Nanoparticles Loaded with Bee Venom Can Kill HIV



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via INHABITAT by Mark Boyer on 3/11/13

Bee, honeybee, yellow jacket, bee sting, bee venom, bee pollenPhoto via Shutterstock

A cure for HIV has eluded scientists since the virus was first discovered in the early 1980s, but researchers at Washington University believe that bee venom could provide a successful treatment. The venom that bees carry contains a toxin called melittin that can penetrate the protective envelope surrounding HIV. The team used nanoparticles carrying melittin to successfully destroy HIV without harming nearby cells, which represents a potentially huge breakthrough in the ongoing effort to find a cure.

Bee, honeybee, yellow jacket, bee sting, bee venom, bee pollen HIV rendering, HIV virus, HIV, AIDS, virus, HIV cell, HIV particles

Read the rest of Study Finds that Nanoparticles Loaded with Bee Venom Can Kill HIV

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