....slowly, but surely.....

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Spray-on Clothing: for the chronically late

I love this product. More garment magic that let's us be smart and creative with one of the daily activities we take for granted.


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via CRAFT by Rachel Hobson on 9/17/10

Our friends at BurdaStyle point us to this video about Spanish fashion designer, Manel Torres, who worked with scientists to develop a spray-on fabric that can be used to create clothing.

The liquid is made from a suspension of tiny cotton fibers and plastic as well as a solvent. When it's sprayed, the solvent evaporates, and allows the material to harden.

Like existing materials, the fabric can be washed and re-worn, or be transformed in to new pieces of clothing.

The fabric can be dissolved with the same solvent and re-sprayed again and again.


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