....slowly, but surely.....

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Old School Design

This is how I usually go about working on my little projects for the St. Art Gallery. I feel vindicated in my low-tech approach to design and production. It's good to use computers for some things, but not for everything. There's a tactile element to design that has to be accounted for somehow, and computer programs like Blender, Sketch-up etc. haven't advanced far enough to replace the human sense of touch, smell and other more subtle ways we engage an object.


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via MAKE Magazine by Matt Mets on 8/7/10

Here's a neat video about a design firm in the '60s, and what it looked like to build things before the days of 3d modeling and rapid prototyping. Designers drew out many different plans, then the favorites were cut out in a machine shop, cast, and assembled painstakingly by hand. Looks like fun! [via core77]

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