....slowly, but surely.....

Friday, April 09, 2010

Skin Cell Spraying Bio Printer Helps Burn Victims

wonderful idea and incredible use of 3D printing technology. Scientitsts making fully functioning organs while you wait, can't be that far away. I want a new butt and some new biceps, and a bigger ..........


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via INHABITAT by Brit Liggett on 4/9/10

skin cells, cell printer, cell sprayer, burn victims, wake forest, winston salem, medicine, hospital, medical design, 3d printer

Recently we showcased a 3D printer that creates human body parts ready for transplant, and now our frankenstinean fascination with making body parts has unearthed another amazing device. This new bio-printer sprays skin cells on burn victim's wounds, promoting healthy recovery. The printer is mounted onto a frame that is wheeled over a patient's hospital bed. A laser reads the depth and shape of the wound, and with the help of a computer the device sprays a precise layer of skin cells that can heal infection-prone wounds in just three weeks.

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