....slowly, but surely.....

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Too True! The History of Art

I've been studying art for the past 5 months or so and this illustration pretty much captures my total knowledge so far.


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via BuzzFeed - Latest on 4/27/10

Here it is, all you need to know about "art." Pretty much the whole history of civilization can be told with emoticons.

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Thursday, April 22, 2010

Re: Fw: Saanti school cheese ad

play the funny ad attached!

On Thu, Apr 22, 2010 at 6:21 PM, <Nathanael.Holley@eurorscg.com> wrote:
Nathanael Holley
Euro RSCG Life Chelsea  
New York,   N.Y.   10011  
P:   212.299.8337  
F:   212.299.5050    
E:   nathanael.holley@eurorscg.com  
Healthcare Agency of the Year: 
All-Star Agency/Network of the Year:   
...infinite potential...

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----- Forwarded by Nathanael Holley/ERH-NA on 04/22/2010 06:20 PM -----
Saanti school cheese ad

Samantha Hoar to: Nathanael Holley
04/22/2010 06:18 PM

Samantha Hoar
Copy Supervisor
Euro RSCG Life Chelsea
75 9th Avenue
New York, New York 10011

P: 212 299 8319
C: 646 387 1752
E: samantha.hoar@eurorscg.com

Healthcare Agency of the Year:
All-Star Agency/Network of the Year:

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What some of my clients sound like!

No offense, but yeah, this is what I hear sometimes.


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via Gizmodo by Adam Frucci on 4/19/10

This robotic mouth was designed to mimic the mouth and throat motions that create accurate vowel sounds. Also, it is fucking terrifying. Progress! [I Heart Chaos via Daily What] More »


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Monday, April 19, 2010

Texts or Toilets? More People In India Have Access to Cell Phones than Bathr...

This is why i'm interested in philanthropic design.


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via TreeHugger on 4/15/10

sanitation in India photo Photo via Sustainable Sanitation We know that access to cell phones is skyrocketing in developing nations, with areas in India and Africa simply leapfrogging from no phones to cell phones and skipping land lines altogether. It's a shift from no technology to new technology. Cell phones are simply becoming a basic necessity for daily living. But mean...Read the full story on TreeHugger


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Friday, April 09, 2010

Skin Cell Spraying Bio Printer Helps Burn Victims

wonderful idea and incredible use of 3D printing technology. Scientitsts making fully functioning organs while you wait, can't be that far away. I want a new butt and some new biceps, and a bigger ..........


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via INHABITAT by Brit Liggett on 4/9/10

skin cells, cell printer, cell sprayer, burn victims, wake forest, winston salem, medicine, hospital, medical design, 3d printer

Recently we showcased a 3D printer that creates human body parts ready for transplant, and now our frankenstinean fascination with making body parts has unearthed another amazing device. This new bio-printer sprays skin cells on burn victim's wounds, promoting healthy recovery. The printer is mounted onto a frame that is wheeled over a patient's hospital bed. A laser reads the depth and shape of the wound, and with the help of a computer the device sprays a precise layer of skin cells that can heal infection-prone wounds in just three weeks.

Read the rest of Skin Cell Spraying Bio Printer Can Heal Burn Victims in Three Weeks

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Thursday, April 08, 2010

Minimum Wage Machine Pays You $7.15 An Hour For Cranking A Handle [Art]

This is a perfect example of high quality conceptual art with political activist undertones. Yummy!


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via Gizmodo by Kat Hannaford on 4/8/10

If you've always wanted to work for minimum wage, but in typical overachieving fashion haven't quite got there yet, the Minimum Wage Machine will pay you $7.15 for an hour of turning the crank-handle. More »


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Wednesday, April 07, 2010

iPod-Sized HIV Detector: Affordable Rural testing

Let's get rolling on this one.


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via Inhabitat by Ariel Schwartz on 4/2/10

sustainable design, green design, design for health, hiv, aids, parc, palo alto, green design, eco design, africa, hiv detector

Right now it's difficult, if not impossible, to quickly detect HIV in patients living in impoverished countries. That may all change soon, though — researchers at a California outfit called the Palo Alto Research Center have built an iPod-sized handheld device that can offer up an immune check-up in under 10 minutes — all with a prick of the finger.

Read the rest of iPod-Sized HIV Detector to Bring Affordable Testing to Rural Communities

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Sunday, April 04, 2010

Calle Ocho quatro

My friends and I get friendly at one of our favorite brunch spots. Ask
for Antonio.