....slowly, but surely.....

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Natural Enemies?



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via Gizmodo by Adam Frucci on 12/22/09

Here is a photo of a videographer getting taken down by an eagle. This is basically the plot of Avatar completely summed up, made for considerably less than $250 million. [Reddit via The Daily What]


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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

What a Hack!

How could we all have not known about this?! Oh, yeah.... National security. Oh well, I think it's cool anyways.


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via Gizmodo by Rosa Golijan on 12/21/09

I wonder what's going through Mitch "oorange3" Adair's head in this picture. Is he annoyed that someone made yet another joke about hacking the Gibson or did he just lose the US Cyber Challenge? Either way, that's one unhappy-looking hacker.

The US Cyber Challenge in which Adair participated is a huge competition with the goal of hacking your opponents' computers while defending your own from attacks. It's not just a silly game for the sake of showing off either: The competition is designed to find talented individuals and recruit them to defend our country, companies, and computers from evil-doers' cyberattacks.

Neat competition, but I still wonder if Adair's frustration was because he didn't win or because of a lame joke. [CNN]

Update: Adair has emailed me to set the record straight. He explains that this isn't frustration or annoyance we're seeing. It's the "21st century's version of Rodin's The Thinker."


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Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Liu Bolin, Scene and Herd in China

I'm not only drawn to the unbelievable amount of skill that Liu Bolin's exhibits in his work, I'm educated and amazed by the political commentary that the subject matter suggests.


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via WebUrbanist by Steph on 12/5/09


In a world of Photoshop and special effects, artistic craft wrought by hand is getting harder to come by. But Liu Bolin doesn't need any fancy technology to produce the jaw-dropping illusion of invisibility – his urban camouflage photography is all paint and pure talent.


The Beijing-based artist spends hours studying his chosen locations and painting himself and other subjects, while carefully taking perspective and texture into account for spectacular results that render them almost invisible.


But Liu's work is more than just a cool-looking feat of trompe l'oeil. In the past, works depicting anti-government imagery, including some in which his Chinese subjects are in the grips of police officers, have resulted in the Chinese government shutting down his art studio.


"In my photography, historical statues, costumes and architecture become symbols of that which confines us," Liu says. "I am expressing the desire to break through these structures. I portray subjects that seem to disappear into these structures and become transparent. The subject is released from social constructs and he is free."


"Living in the red hot China, I feel that I am not in control of my own life. However, I have an indescribable burning desire inside of me. Art is a weapon that helps us untangle the chaos in our lives. I hope that my artworks can calm people down during this period of constant change, but at the same time, inspire people to re-evaluate our environment and reconsider the problems arising in our society. In this transition period, I can hear the voice of Hamlet whispering, "for in the sleep of death, what dreams may come."

Urban Camouflage Clothing, Art and Design

Camouflage isn't just for natural environments - it can be used surprisingly effectively in urban surroundings as well. Click Here to See More


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Thursday, December 03, 2009

Kris Kuksi’s Recycled Toy Sculptures

Kris Kuksi is THE aesthetic truth for 2010, so say I.


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via INHABITAT by Ariel Schwartz on 11/19/09

sustainable design, green design, eco art, recycled toy sculptures, upcycling, kris kuksi, art, artist

The beautiful thing about upcycled materials is that the end results often bear no resemblance to the original items. Such is the case with sculptor Kris Kuksi's toy sculptures, which are constructed out of old toys, statues, and mechanical parts.

upcycling, kris kuksi, art, artist upcycling, kris kuksi, art, artist upcycling, kris kuksi, art, artist

Read the rest of Kris Kuksi's Recycled Toy Sculptures Will Scare the Kids

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