....slowly, but surely.....

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Excel is not my friend

Look. I know I'm not a math genius. Ever since they tried to teach me how to use an abacus in the third or fourth grade, I knew that I was in trouble with the numerals. But Excel is just ridiculous. I just want to get a sum, and it's turning into a research project. I'll just have to add a Microsoft Suite refresher course to my list of To Do's. What does a guy have to do to get organized around here. I'm not a rich man, or even a middle class family man with lots of "responsibilities". So why can't I get my finances in order? I'll tell you why. Lack of education and an egregious lack of interest. For some reason, I've convinced myself that making more money is the answer to any financial problem that I may encounter. Funny. The first think I think about when it comes to social policy and the nation's economy, is "...cut spending, and invest better..." Duh! I should be holding fast to that edict as well when it comes to my own meager earnings.

BTW. I'm so into jewelry right now. Not just the usual urbanite bling, but the real rare and fun stuff. Collector Ish. I watch more GemsTV now than anything else. (at least until the Olympics start up - Way too excited!) The random ramblings of the colorful hosts drowns out my own mental exhaustion and keeps me company as if I was an elderly person in the hinterlands of our fair nation and not a young Buppy.

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