....slowly, but surely.....

Thursday, April 24, 2008

in old neighborhoods. with old friends doing new things.catching the sly fun.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

can you guess what this is? in this new series of photos, i will post a pic and you tell me what you think the item is. good luck.

Net Nanny

Let's face it. The Internet has been babysitting 17 - 30 year old males for the past 15 or so years. Although there have been some people that have already pointed out the drawbacks to this rampant lack of interest or respect for the "real world", very few of these voices have sprung from 17 - 30 year old males. Until Now?

After having a fairly deep conversation at work about goals and personal time maintainence with a very smart friend, I realized that although I was making a very good point in the aforementioned dialogue, I wasn't making a point to live my own words. It's not that I spend too much time on the Internet, a great deal of the time I spend on the Net is for work and thusly totally justified. What bothers me is what I do when I'm left to my own devices on the world wide web. Productive I am not, as you can plainly read.

My point is that, although there are a great deal of positive things that people do with the internet, make money, make friends, make art, make etc., there really isn't a social movement to use the internet as a productive tool in peoples lives. Sure, people job hunt and exchange information, but are people getting trained to do jobs on the net? are people reaching out those in need on the net? Where does the fun stop and the building begin? Can any real community building be done on the web? Who knows. I'm just going to make sure that whenever I'm up here from now on, I'm either learning something from someone or teaching something to somebody.

(And this counts)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

why are midnight snacks so yummy ? i want to be good to my tummy.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

this is where you can go to donate money to hiv aids services in new work, one of the epicenters of the disease in the u.s.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

AIDS Walk Donations!

Hello World!

Today was fairly productive, I did my taxes (which is always a humbling experience) and I finally signed up for the NYC AIDS walk. I've never been a great fundraiser, but I hope that my involvement in this effort will teach me more about the great need that we have in this country for better HIV/AIDS services and how that need should be met. Please help me make a difference in this pandemic by donating whatever you can at the following website:


Thursday, April 10, 2008

folio fun

Check it out!


Wamu is a mess. I can't believe the awful mix up this whole transfer thing has caused.
I tried to put some money into an account to cover a check, and quickly found out that it can take up to 3 business days for the electronic transfer to be processed. Three days is not instant. The net is supposed to make these things easier and speedier for all of us. What's going on?

This is yet another hard earned tidbit of knowledge added to my growing collection.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Brandy, Like a fine Wine

By now, most of my friends know that I love Brandy. Her style, her talent, her incredible work ethic and attention to detail. It's remarkable. Plain and simple. Here are some examples of why her work is known industry wide for it's true innovation and undeniable artistic merit.


Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Eyebees.com Presentation


This afternoon, my friend Jack Bury and I presented eyebees to the Nextweb meeting at Webster Hall. It went pretty well, we've learned a lot about how to explain eyebees to people and we can't wait to do it again.

I would like to thank Jack and George for bringing me onto this project. It's the most fun I've had in ages. For real! I mean, just check out my eyebees panel that I've included in this blog, it's really cool to be able to see when someone's looking at my blog and what they're looking at. I can't wait to get a big group of people in here from my Skype friends list to talk about the experience and get some feedback on how I can use the application.