....slowly, but surely.....

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Off to see the Fam!

WOW! Even I'm having a hard time believing how much stuff I've managed to cram into my luggage. Making the trip to Edenton, North Carolina with me this year will be a vintage holiday suitcase packed with toiletries, outer garments, belts, gloves, hats and shoes, an oversized Kenneth Cole cloth tote packed with carry-on items and gifts, and a JWorld backpack / roller luggage hybrid filled to the brim with clothes.

Every year I make this journey back to the "mother-state" and make a big deal out of it along the way. Mostly because I usually only go back once every year for Christmas and its become a highly anticipated visit, both on my part and the part of my family.

Holiday Greetings to Everyone!!!

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