....slowly, but surely.....

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Off to see the Fam!

WOW! Even I'm having a hard time believing how much stuff I've managed to cram into my luggage. Making the trip to Edenton, North Carolina with me this year will be a vintage holiday suitcase packed with toiletries, outer garments, belts, gloves, hats and shoes, an oversized Kenneth Cole cloth tote packed with carry-on items and gifts, and a JWorld backpack / roller luggage hybrid filled to the brim with clothes.

Every year I make this journey back to the "mother-state" and make a big deal out of it along the way. Mostly because I usually only go back once every year for Christmas and its become a highly anticipated visit, both on my part and the part of my family.

Holiday Greetings to Everyone!!!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Open Bars are Evil.... but I'll be Home for Christmas

So... My agency had another open bar christmas party this past friday... Fun Fun Fun...
I, of course, went a little overboard and had to leave early, missing the fight that broke out soon thereafter... thank goodness. Lesson learned = Just because you used to have an amazing tolerance level in college doesn't mean you have one now!

Now as for Christmas, it is one of my favorite holidays. The celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The story of the nativity, the songs, the decorations, the food, the gifts, the family fellowship. Let's face it, its what makes life worth living! And on the 20th of December, insha'Allah (God willing), I will be returning to Edenton, North Carolina to live that life.

I've finally finished "In an Antique Land" by Amitav Ghosh. It was amazing, and I've picked up some of the book's Muslim lingo, as you can see. I've never really learned that much about Arabic or the Islamic faith, but seeing as how the entire world is embroiled in Muslim conflicts right now, its about time that I took a look at it. My next book will most likely be about African Muslims and a civil war that took place years ago. I'll post the name of it as soon as I start reading it.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Secrets of Life in the North Atlantic

When you live on an island in the North Atlantic Ocean, you can't always go where you want to go and do the things that you would like to do. It just gets too cold sometimes. I want to go to the gym tonight, I honestly and truly do. However, the fear of braving the extreme elements prevents me from making my way over there at the moment. I'm very warm and comfortable in my apartment at the moment and can get quite a workout practicing dance, doing crunches and situps right here on my bedroom floor. So I think I'll save the gym for Wednesday.

You know that feeling you have when you know a really juicy secret and you really want to tell your close friend who'll appreciate it as much as you do? I have that feeling right now, that itch to tell someone all about it, but I can't scratch that itch. Want to know why? Here's why... It would be unethical, and I'm trying to teach myself a lesson. Here's the lesson. A secret is special only because its a secret. When you tell a secret, it not only looses its social capital as a rarely known tid bit of information, you loose the power from being in possession of such a commodity.

In my case, the secret pertains to my position at work and although I am daily confided in and told innumerable secrets, knowing something about someone that knows you and that your friends know is completely different. Are you going to be a gossip and tell? Is it going to eat away at you inside for months on end like a worm trying to get out of an apple? Here's what I think. I think that we as needy, selfish, self promoting and aggrandizing human beings attempt to use knowledge against other people for our own gain and disguise this fault as curiosity and mindless fun. So... with that belief firmly rooted in my conscience, I have decided not to share the secret that I have learned today with my good friend who would really enjoy it in a sick and twisted way. I am going to use this secret as an self encouragement to promote less conjecture and misinformation in my circle of friends and more quiet reflection, understanding and satisfaction with known facts. And thats it.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Cholera / Dysentary

I was so sick on Friday! It didn't make any kind of sense. I believe I had some bad Lactaid and cereal along with a 24hr flu bug I must have picked up from the doctors office. It wasn't pretty, so I'll spare you the particulars.

My good good friend from college was up this past weekend to visit and we had a cordial time together for a change. We usually have some kind of emotional run in before its all said and done, but this time I just took things in stride and didn't try to evaluate everyone's positions and actions. I had fun.

Still looking forward to going home for Christmas. I mean, who isn't. Yes, it's great to live in such a vibrant city, but when Its time to give thanks for the mysteries of life and the eternal love that is the bond of blood and faith, I want to be away from the cold, unyielding city. I want to be back on the farm with the crunch of the frozen morning dew under my feet. I want to be able to see the sun when it rises and see it when it sets. awww