....slowly, but surely.....

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Late night Dates

Yeah, so, I received a call the other day at like 3 in the morning. Yes, I was awake and no, I didn't answer it. I was actually playing World of Warcraft, but I'm not going to blog about that right now. Its a great game and yes I have lost a little bit of myself in it, but its an easy way to let off some steam. So there I said it, back to the Dates.

Tonight I received another call from a good friend who is vacationing abroad. Mexico to be exact. He said he had forgotten about the time difference and he wanted to talk about some stuff. After some gentle cajolling, he finally told me what was really going on with him and I rolled up my nerve endings and dove in headfirst.

I don't know what it is about me that makes him think I'm the right person for the job. Maybe its my training in Anthropology, and counseling, my excellent listening skills, my years of experience as a previously unhappy and troubled person or maybe, I'm just the only person he knows who's insomnia keeps him up and at random, unnecessary tasks in the wee hours of the night. LIKE THIS BLOG!

But, I'm certainly glad that he confides in me. I get a great deal out of our late night sessions as well. He gives me a good sounding board to my own thoughts and ideas about life. I fancy him as a neophyte poet and philosopher and myself as his muse / therapist / friend who only wants to see him bring forth all the creativity and intelligence that his insecurities keep bottled up inside. For that matter, when I talk to him, I fancy myself as one of his peers, walking alongside him on his path to greatness, experiencing things that make me more and more aware and in control of my own talents. Even though he didn't like my t-shirts all that much!

Well, like the two of us, they'll get better with time and experience.

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