....slowly, but surely.....

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Late night Dates

Yeah, so, I received a call the other day at like 3 in the morning. Yes, I was awake and no, I didn't answer it. I was actually playing World of Warcraft, but I'm not going to blog about that right now. Its a great game and yes I have lost a little bit of myself in it, but its an easy way to let off some steam. So there I said it, back to the Dates.

Tonight I received another call from a good friend who is vacationing abroad. Mexico to be exact. He said he had forgotten about the time difference and he wanted to talk about some stuff. After some gentle cajolling, he finally told me what was really going on with him and I rolled up my nerve endings and dove in headfirst.

I don't know what it is about me that makes him think I'm the right person for the job. Maybe its my training in Anthropology, and counseling, my excellent listening skills, my years of experience as a previously unhappy and troubled person or maybe, I'm just the only person he knows who's insomnia keeps him up and at random, unnecessary tasks in the wee hours of the night. LIKE THIS BLOG!

But, I'm certainly glad that he confides in me. I get a great deal out of our late night sessions as well. He gives me a good sounding board to my own thoughts and ideas about life. I fancy him as a neophyte poet and philosopher and myself as his muse / therapist / friend who only wants to see him bring forth all the creativity and intelligence that his insecurities keep bottled up inside. For that matter, when I talk to him, I fancy myself as one of his peers, walking alongside him on his path to greatness, experiencing things that make me more and more aware and in control of my own talents. Even though he didn't like my t-shirts all that much!

Well, like the two of us, they'll get better with time and experience.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

No complaints

Yesterday I had the good fortune to be visited by one of my good friends from college who is now completing a masters degree program in Boston. We went dancing in Manhattan and had a wonderful time reminiscing on days gone by as well as making new memories.
I have to say that I have no complaints.

Thanksgiving was such a well needed respite from work and the usual grind of New York living. I was very blessed to have been able to spend it in the company of good food and even better friends. I've used this holiday to mark the beginning of a new life policy for myself. I'm going to dramatically reduce the amount of complaining that I engage in. When I feel like something is getting on my nerves or not working the way I want it to, instead of complaining, I'm going to take action to set it right or state my gratefullness at the things that are going right. It seems like such an easy thing to do but I assure you its more difficult that it seems.

How many times have you watched the new or had a conversation with a family member or coworker and just been overwhelmed by the suck factor in some situation or person? This was becoming an everyday occurrance for me and I'm most certain that this negative perspective was seeping into my very consciousness. So, I'm going to do something about it right now. And no, I'm not going to turn into one of those "cheery for no reason", "every cloud has a silver lining" people, I'm still going to be a man of truth and dignity and reality. However, my demeanor will be much more positive and my attention will only be given to worthwhile endeavors. Hopefully, this new proactive Nate, will elicit less complaints from family and friends than the all too comfortable and lazy, reactive Nate.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Sweet Smelling Incense

Nothing much transpired today. I cleaned the kitchen and had pizza for dinner, took out the trash, read a Playstation magazine and burned some sweet smelling incense.

One thing that did get me kind of worked up was Extreme Makeover Home Edition. That show really moves me. I cry everytime I watch it. Even when it was first introduced to me by two close friends, they made sure we all had a box of kleenex handy before the program began. In such a short amount of time, a group of people's sorry and misfortunes is presented to you in such a simple and human way that you can't help but truly feel for them and wish them the best. I'm not one for needless shows of emotion, or less than genuine acts of altruism, and this show somehow manages to dodge both of these bullets without much effort.

Yes, Disney has bought ABC and infused it with it's own special brand of lovey dovey sappy sweetness. However, there isn't a modern man or woman alive in America that wasn't either raised on hopeful, dreamy Disney programming or at least exposed to it.
I don't know what else to say. How could a Disneyfied, hourlong commercial for Sears be so good? It must be some id / ego, jedi mind trick that Disney has perfected over the years. Maybe if we could get Disney / ABC to do some of America's foreign policy writing we could avoid some of the culture clash and ideal warring that seems to propel our current global conflicts? Who knows?

Friday, November 17, 2006

Many Things

Today was many things! I fought my way out of the comfort of my apt in Bay Ridge to go to work in Park Slope at the agency. I held back feelings of helplessness, confusion, anger, and fear while testing and giving results at the agency, and topped it all off with a lively religious conversation with a Buddhist while tipsy.

Due to my strong sense of professionalism, I can't and won't speak on the inner workings of my agency and the intricacies thereof. However, I can give my opinions on the state of social work in general in New York City. Social workers are misunderstood and burnt out! We're underfunded, underappreciated, under everythinged, yet, we're expected to be everyone's safety net when things go awry? Why is that? I don't want to have to continue to cut corners when it comes to the physical health and mental well being of my clients anymore due to lack of anything! Even when working at full capacity with all my cylinders firing, I can only handle so many cases at a time, especially while handling all the administrative and beurocratic nonsense that comes with working on a government grant as well. It's truly ridiculous. Maybe I should work harder, maybe I should give more of myself to "the cause"? Who knows? All I know right now is that there has to be a better way of tackling social issues. What do I suggest? Socialism! Duh! Americans are already living under a Republic pretending to be a Democracy anyways... Why not jut bite the bullet and have a Socialist system replace the barely legal, inherently flawed, capitalist republic we've been dragging like a wagon with square wheels into the 21st century? Higher Taxes, bring'em on! Big Government..yes please! I'd rather have my life influenced by treehugging, lefty liberalati know-it-alls than have it dictated to me by power hungry, money worshiping, right wing smoke screened, CEO's!

Whoooohhh !! I told you this post was many things.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Eartha Kitt and Joan Rivers

are old bootz! I was talking to a co-worker the other day about going to see a show in the city and their names came up and I just blurted out "...God is going to have to come and get those two bitches, cause they have made it very clear that they ain't going nowhere!..." What an awful thing to say! After all those two women have brought to this world in their art. I'm sorry dearhearts.

And New York Sports Club is such a mess. So... in my last audioblog I speak of the notorious happenings of certain NYSC's and how I'm nosey enough to want to take a gander. Oh how my faith was tested yesterday when I went to work out. There's this guy that lives in my neighborhood. A tall thin caucasion with bright eyes and long curly hair. Attractive. I've run into him online and at my favorite bodega. We cut eyes at each other and such. It's innocent.

I go into the gym yesterday and see him there for the first time, working out with a friend (I suppose). So... I'm keeping my composure enjoying myself, following my usual routine. I finish working on biceps and triceps and head of into one of the small matted rooms with mirrors to strech and do some abwork on the floor. As soon as I get comfortable and roll up my sleeves to visually measure the progress of my bicep, here he comes, right behind me. Now... this is the moment where I could have been gutter about it and allowed a convo or some sort of interaction take place, but my momma didn't raise me like that. So instead, I immediately turn my back to him, fall to the floor and begin my excercises, completely ignoring his presence, he does a few push-ups and leaves as quietly and quickly as he came.

Aww... Now I feel bad. Its that whole perception thing. I didn't want to seem like a stalker whore who would love to meet someone at the gym, but I also don't want to be all, I'm better than "that kind of thing".

Stoopid!! Stoopid!!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Artsy Fartsy

I'm so glad to be back in the city and out of Rochester! I learned some good stuff while I was there though. I've been doing a lot of lazy artwork lately so I thought I'd slap it onto some tshirts and sell it. I'll be wearing it out first to generate talk though. Wish me luck!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Vacation Time

I need to take a vacation. I've been acting really crazy lately and I can't seem to get it together. I'm actually embarrassed and mad at myself for being so emotional lately. I've been feeling jealousy, anger, despair, confusion, attraction, and aversion towards random people in my life for the past few months and I can't figure out why.

I seriously need to reset my "internals" with some rest and relaxation!